EDIT____: Shortly after writing this post, my chair broke while i was sitting in it and a pole almost went up my butt. Luckily i was wearing pants. Im not even kidding. It fucking hurt.
EDIT____: Shortly after writing this post, my chair broke while i was sitting in it and a pole almost went up my butt. Luckily i was wearing pants. Im not even kidding. It fucking hurt.
Some of my favourite photos of the weekend.
i just watched the movie Kinsey. i thought it was very good. i keep thinking of him as similar to einstine. they both became so obsessed with a feild of study that it took over their lives. well maybe i don't know. i kept telling kinsey (the tv) to stop now and just live. think about your study for 20 or so years and if you still want write anouther book. Or let someone else evolve your ideas. but then i began to wonder if these people don't take thier beliefs as far as they can we propable would be where we are today. or would have evolved in different directions. i spose they were in a position to deside a peice of our future.
i have been thinking a lot abotu this lately. i think of it as power. i is almost self defeating to say it, but i think this world is a big power struggle. there are many kinds of power out there, not just the kinds that the people in power have, (money, position) i have a power in my beliefs, and in an interaction between two or more people there is a range of power being felt by them. And fought for i think? (the earth showed some power tonight too). Maybe these great minds of our past had a good deal of power too, more than most. and it crossed their minds to stop using so much of it, or to go foward as fast as they could. To, at that older, wiser, stage of their lives, really advance us in their perspective (and to move thier own perspective foward for themselves).
well don't know why i have gone off on this, but i am drunk and it was about time for me to go off on something for endysis.
2. I have profiles under many differant names on photobucket.com
3. I hate movie theatres.
so strange.

Ever wonder what IAN would look like if he was a methzombie? me neither
(notice semen on collar [from methblowjobs])
2 - I think I love with my good friend's girlfriend (bangerang).
3 - My mother just recently found my porno stash from my early teen years.
your turn.
Endysis got his wings from dad,
Flew to the Sky with wings from dad,
didn't feel like listemimg to his dad,
flew to close to the sun and now he's dead.
(repeat x 7)
Van Halen's really teeter tall
Cheerios brand shoes from the mall
Wispy's Mustache is quite nice
I sit on the toilet and
I shit ICE
(chorus x 17)
The ennd
PS: http://www.rubberjohnny.tv

Ever wonder what Zac would look like with no eyebrows and a moustache? Me neither.
So, things have been a bit crazy around these parts. Pound for pound, life is beautiful at the moment.
As many of you may know, I didn't get the original internship with the world's biggest shoe company that I had applied for, but instead of giving me the boot, they gave me yet another opportunity to interview with a different department. Anyway, I went through one initial phone screen for the new job, then, on Friday, I had a 5-person conference call with the team I'd be working with.
Anyway, this interview (5-person conference calls are SO stressful) was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning. I had anticipated waking up at 7:00 a.m. so I'd be prepped and awake, so you can understand how pissed off I was when my alarm went off at 8:00 a.m. -- I fucked up the night before. Anyway, the interview went quite well, I was a charming motherfucker (as always). They tell me they'll let me know by early next week if I got the job or not, because, I guess, they had one more person to interview.
So, 2:35p.m. rolls around, I'm in class, I get a call. Now, usually, I usually just hit ignore, but this call was from THEM. I got up, ran out of the lecture hall, paused for a second (realizing my heart was pounding [whoa]) -- then answered.
"This is Eric"
"Hi Eric, this is ***** with Staffing just calling to talk about your interview"
"Oh yeah?" -- my heart is racing at this point
"How did you think it went?"
"Pretty well, actually, it was a bit daunting having all those people on the phone, but everyone seemed very personable"
"That's great, conference calls can be a bit scary"
"No kidding"
::weird, awkwardly long pause::
"Well, we'd like to offer you a Summer Internship"
at this point, I almost came.
So yeah, Eric will be living in Beaverton, working in the IT department, writing programs and testing them. All while racking in an amazingly large/ fat fuckin' paycheck (they are also giving me a $2000 stipend up front). Life is fucking good.
I am going to buy a motorcycle. one that can go like 400mph.
ps --http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
today we went all over the city so that i could do all those last minute tourist things that a normal person would have done at the beginning of their trip... the panacillo, mitad del mundo... i am so lame. but it was fun, and we took lots of pictures (to make up for the lost ones) and now that i've been to the center of the world, what else is there to do, really?
yesterday anna decided she needed to go shoe shopping, so we went to el jardin (a mall). on our way out we stopped in marathon sporting goods to buy a liga jersey, and standing there at the checkout counter buying a jersey was espinola, number 23, a defender for liga. now, keeping in mind that fútbol is life down here, and liga just happens to be my team, this was sort of big. i mean, it's gotten to the point where we go to all the games we can, and sit in the crazy section with all the muerte blancas (white death, the name of the "gang" of liga fans). we're the resident gringos. it's fun. they're really impressed with us, because we even know most of the songs they sing. so there we are in marathon, looking at espinola, wondering if we should walk up to him, not even 100% sure that it's him. so what do we do? what any fan would do: stalk him around el jardin until we're certain it's him. once we knew for sure it was him, we went up to him and asked for his autograph. he gave us a funny look, then said "you're not ecuadorians, are you?" and we laughed and said no, but we're huge liga fans, and we even showed him the fat bruise i got from the may 11th game and he was impressed. we told him good luck in argentina next week and said chao.
so that's it. that's my last exciting moment in quito. well, i guess the night isn't over yet, but... you know. tomorrow morning i'm on a plane to dallas at 6:30, and thus ends my life in spanish. que pena. hopefully i can get some sort of job that will require me to speak spanish. i really don't want to lose it. so the next time i post, it'll be from the US of A. yippy.
so today i went for this awesome bike ride. up park st. then the white rabbit trail. i did reall good on this hard trail, only having to walk a small amount. and ieven wanted to go further, but i was a bit more tired than i thought. then heading for the four corners parking lot and was stupidly over curagous, even after a few close calls, and crashed. bad crashed. flipped back over front over back. i got some bad road rash, but also when you really hurt yourself, you know immediatly. there is a scary shake in you. or me should i say. and i was all alone up there, fear building. i thought i dislocated my shoulder. after i made it home, and my dad was there, i dont know what i would have done had he been out, i went to the er. i fractured my clavical bone. colar bone, but way up in my shoulder. the pain kept growing and my nerves could not take it. so pain killers become my friend, though the pain is still there, making me whine and cry like a big baby. i will be home with oxycontons for a while. boy it sucks, so bad i cannot even feel cool about it. because i got bad hurt, and it was because i was an idot.
well, peices my friends..
I am convinced that YES is the funniest rock band of all time, especially their stuff from the 80's.
I realize that you kids are in still in High School (except for a few who are 35 and still trying to be HIP), so here is some advice for you. We all do dumb things in high school. I smoked dope all day long and wore hawaiian shirts and kaki pants everyday (while listening to TOO SHORT). With that said here is a few points I would like you people to realize:
1. There is going to be a day that you look back at this and get embarassed at the thought of how many times you waved your lit-up cell-phone in the air during a slow song. You are going to look back and laugh about how silly it is to try to "let your angst out" by pushing people around at concerts while simultaneously crying and making out with the short-fat-chick/skinny-pussy-dude next to you. You are going to regret all the overpriced studded belts, jeans, "smiths" t-shirts, belt buckles, "atreyu" hoodies, "My chemical romance" patches and piercings you bought at Hot Topic. You are going to cringe when you try to raise your children on "your" music, and they go to school and get beat up for being big pussies who cry everytime their crayon breaks, all in the name of being "EMOTIONAL". The only ones who aren't going to laughing are the ones that still are trying to be hip no matter how old they are. They are never going to get it! You fall into this category if you take up fire-dancing or burning man or Janes Addiction or Lenny Kravitz (who by the way, should change his name to Willie Kravitz).
2. The world does not have two sides against ech other. It is not the Imperial "JOCKS" vs. the Oppressed "EMO FREAKS". the sooner you realize that the better off you are. Emo is not alternative. Emo has its own little popularity system and elitism going on and everyone knows it, As much as they want to believe their life sucks, they are just big poontangs.
3. So you want to listen to some EMOTIONAL music? Listen to actual music! Made by musicians! Here is a hint for what to stray away from: If your music mentions the words "lame", "mall", "skateboard", "girlfriend", "mom", "dad", "school", "teacher", "prom", "popular", or has members of the band jump in the air when they play; THEY ARE PLAYING YOU. They don't actually know what it is like to have teen angst cuz they are in their thirties, and experianced it in the 80's or early 90's! I think you kids were, what, 6 years old then, and playing with mighty morphin power rangers?
I don't know why I even bother. You pansies are just going to cry about it and rant on your myspace account about how oppressed you are because your mom won't by you a toyota carolla, even though you need it to be able to get you and all of your friends to the local punk show, and she won't drive you. WHAT A BITCH! Hey you should write an emo song about it! Call the song "Public Transit Meloncholy" or "Walking with a Scraped Knee". Wait didn't Dashboard Confessional have one called that? OH WELL. Gocut yourselves you fat bitches.
PS. Emo Haircuts are the new mullet.
i am too busy. want to do nothing. but cant. i cannot do it. no sleep and no....not beer make jon go crazy.
i work at a woman dominated workplace. it is cool, don't get me wrong. but a little less macho than i would really prefer. today it was me bingham and gabe. only guys. then five waitress girls. ect. and two girl cooks. shit that is more than double. not good. i mean don't get me wrong. or anything . very good. uh yea very good, but...
i have a crush on them all too. which leads to some conflict. if i marry jessie, can i still flirt with taj? oyyy.
i have been rocking this past few weeks. overtime on my paycheck. full time at school and doing most of the stuff i want to do in my spare time. like get drunk with friends and plant a garden. i just watched a movie with my dad called the point. it was pretty happy. Harry neilson. i had some ice cream too.
i made a ck called: I've got sexual feeling...I'm sorry god. i thought that was pretty dam good.
SUNNO)))- The Grimmrobe Demos, White2
ICARUS LINE - Penance Soiree
EARTH - Living in the Gleam of an Unsheathed Sword
RED SPAROWES - At the Soundless Dawn (Absolutely Amazing)
YOUR ENEMIES FRIENDS - You are Being Videotaped
ISIS - Panopticon, Oceanic Remixes and Reinterpretations
GODHEADSILO - Skyward in Triumph, The Scientific Supercake LP
MASTADON - Leviathan
BIG BUSINESS - Head for the Shallow
THE LOCUST - Safety Second, Body Last
JAMES BROWN - Sex Machine
ENNIO MERRICONE - The Music of Ennio Merricone Played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra
SUBTLE - A New White
FANTOMAS - Suspended Animation
NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
THRONES - SPERM WHALE!!!!!(Fucking awesome)
Is it obvious I've been spending a lot of time in the computer lab lately?
anyway, i've basically been living in the computer lab with my group these last few days, trying to get this project done. we were required to build a system to execute arbitrary user code (ie: handle system calls) in a multiprogramming environment (ie: virtual memory handling). long story short, we were passing about half of the tests and we were almost 100% positive that our code to handle the virtual memory (write/read) was correct, but it wasn't passing the tests.
after five hours in the lab, we realize that one of our primary data structures to hold the active user processes was declared as static (big no-no) and that the constructor was re-initializing the LinkedList everytime we created a new process (BIGBIGBIG NO-NO). Anyway, we added one check:
if(pid == 0)
freePages = new LinkedList();
and out tests went from 48% to 100%.
it was really cool that we had figured it out, we had gotten into crunch time (project was due in less that 4 hours), but also kind of disheartening. We could have been done ages ago. chalk it up to experience, i guess.
anyway, it's friday night, i'm gonna go have some reckless fun.
i love you all.
Birthday in Siena, ooo-da-lah-lee

so, sometimes i forget that i'm in latin america where things are very different. for instance, today is mother's day, the day where mom should take it easy. no. blanca stayed home from church today to cook us a huge breakfast, and then went shopping all afternoon to then make us a huge lunch. and she did all the dishes too. i tried to help, but apparently that isn't allowed. so weird.
two weeks, two weeks. between now and then i have five finals, two fútbol games to attend, a trip to the beach, the rest of my shopping, and packing. woohoo. this should be fabulous! and then it's back to my car, my coffee, my cigarettes, and being an adult without an ecua-mom to take care of me. so sad.
hope everyone said hi to their mom today.
miss you all.
i have not written in a while so i thought that i would write something. not much to say though i am at home, a bit board, but doing good. i just watched troy. it was pretty bad, but i may watch it again. i am reading the odyssey right now. it is actually very good, and enjoyable after the weird writing style.
i feel the need to write about what has been going on. i guess because this is what i do in my journal if i write in that. so i talked to by boss today and told him that i wanted to continue working there for the summer and fall, until it slows down and i can quit without feeling bad. i had thought about quiting in about two months and walking the pacific crest trail up to canada. this seemed to be to be and amazing idea and the next step for me to take, (to ....?). but i really am enjoying my job, and am a real cook now. i like all of the people that i work with and it seems worthwile to stay here for the summer and make $, though i dispise the shit. i fugure i can care less about it once i have more of it. ehhh?
i am planting a garden at my neighbors house, probably tomorrow and tuesday. i have wanted to do this many times before but never did. now i will. This is someting i want to learn about.
i am going to drop out of school for a while after this term. i am over it. i constantly get angry at the things my teachers teach me, and waste a lot of time finding a reason to listen to what they have to say. That i am paying them to teach me, is not one of thoes reasons. I am taking spanish class and like it. i am not learning a whole lot of spanish. but my teacher is from peru. and i carry her stuff to class for her ever day. so we talk about a lot of stuff that is interesting.
i also have grown a bit of an ego. i would not say it is ginormous like eric's but maybe some day. it feels good. i have had such low self esteeme for so much of my life. i let my ego get out of hand a few weeks ago, and now tetter totter between feeling very positive and very negietive. most of the time i am happy though. i have only been puting my self into situations that i want to be in since i got back from my trip. i like this a lot. because i tent to feel that unself confidence in situations that i don't want to be in. i may have learned this in europe, because though i was in many challenging situations. i tended to know what i was getting myself into and decide to be there.
i'll be very happy when school is out and look foward to drinking lots of beer and sitting in the sun. El Sol. Estoy el rey en la ligera del Sol.
well take care homeslice'es. and rock on.
I had two tests yesterday, back to back, in my most difficult classes. That sucked. After feverishly finishing one test, I had to bust ass across campus to take my other test, walking in just as the tests were being handed out. I was so high-strung at that point that I whipped through the test in like 20 minutes. craziness.
I have to go to Monmouth tomorrow for a little awards banquet action. I have definitely won an award for "best review," but I'm not sure what place I got. My gut says #1, but that's only because of my ginormous ego.
I'm at work right now, putting off my layout duties.
fuck it, i'm going back to work. I love you all.
-Natalia, the russian princess is now Carlos, the flamboyant hispanic diva.
-Larry, the large white fiercely hetero caveman who has seen it all is now Jarvis, the old short black gay man who has worked for the movie theatre for 25 years and has seen it all.
-Reed, the gayest straight man ever is now Siegfried, a straight man who like Steven Spielberg and F Gary Gray.
-Dave, the scared timid quiet manager is now Tim, the mysterious non-talkative and kinda creepy projectionist.
-Lucas, everyones favorite hard-working quiet nerd is now Nathan, hard-working quiet depressed poet country music nerd.
-Derek, the old manager, thAt used to lie about absolutely everything is now Ian W, who lies about absolutely everything (including replying "hell yeah! that shit is hilarious!" when asked if he had seen a movie called THE MONEY EATERS, with Chevy Chase, which just so happens, is not a real movie)
Maxim: The Real Swimsuit DVD: Vol. 1 (2004)
Hosted by VH1's Rachel Perry, this DVD presents an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Maxim magazine's popular swimsuit issue. The film features exotic women from South Africa, the Bahamas, Russia, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Norway and the U.S. as they prepare and pose for their sexy photo shoots. Extras include Rachel Perry jumping into bed with each model for some candid conversations, plus a tour of Maxim owner Felix Dennis's extravagant home.
Enjoyed By Members Who Enjoyed ...
Coral Reef Adventure
Winning Strategies: Texas Hold 'Em Poker with Mike Caro
Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man: IMAX
Poker Secrets from Poker Champs
Masters of Poker: Phil Hellmuth's Million Dollar Texas Hold'em Tournament Strategies
Masters of Poker: Phil Hellmuth's Million Dollar Online Poker Secrets
Masters of the Casino: The Keys to Position & Calculating the Odds
Winning Strategies: Blackjack, Slots and Craps
Rachel Perry
Average of 580 ratings: 2.8 stars
Do the words COKE, CUMFIESTA, FLORIDA, BANDANA, NU-METAL and BUTTON UP DRAGON SHIRTS come to mind for anyone else besides me?
What kind of name is "Felix Dennis" anyway?
Triumph of Lethergy and Big Business have myspace pages, both include hilarious pictures of the bands.
just thought you dicklickers should know!
seeya assholes!!!