There was an "air guitar" competition in Finland today. The contestens got to pick the first song they "air guitared" to, and then the judges picked the second song they had to preform, just to make sure they could really "air guitar" and were not faking it. They were judged on how realisticly they coud "air guitar". This was on the news. As if they is nothing more important then "air guitaring". George Bush is our president and the world hates us, but damn it if theres an "air guitar" competition going on and I don't know about it I'd be pissed. I mean the fucking Republican Convention is going on, not that I want to watch it but still. Accualy compared to that I think "air guitaring" is of slight more importance. Especially when it takes place in Finland.
So Eric, these referrer thingies, does that mean someone was searching for "Eli Allman" on Yahoo and it refered them to this iste?!? If so thats pretty awesome.
We get to move in the new house whenever we want yea!!
Oh yeah and everybody please, please vote. It is so important especially now to do so. If George Bush is president for four more years me an Eli might not last because he is already sick to death about hearing me bitch everyday about how evil he is. So much so he groans when I say the words, "guess what I read in the paper today..." because he knows a hour long tangent is on the way. Just vote ok!!! It doesn't take that much time or energy and I'm sure all of you students want to be able to continue going to college and have some funding to do so. For that reason alone you should vote to get rid of Bush. Not to mention the million other reasons. I'm ranting, I'm going to bed...

Lifes Most Important Things...


Monday 30 August 2004 at 11:33 pm

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1. kim text-messaged me the buckley line "must i dream and always see your face.' it didn't fuck me up that bad. with a little help from kelsey, i think i'm finally getting over this.

2. bought the new Jeff Buckley reissue of grace, the legacy editon. it's fucking breathtaking. i would have payed $30 just for the studio version of 'forget her.' amazing song.

3. sometimes, i hate.

4. i can't wait to get back to corvallis

5. i am sad to leave ashland

6. i have been smiling these days.

7. i love you.

short and sweet.


Friday 27 August 2004 at 12:48 am

Six comments

It was pretty slow at work today so me and my pharmacist started sharing stories about how insanely stupid or gross people can be. I thought some of you might find these entertaining/sad/disgusting...


People Amaze Me...


Thursday 26 August 2004 at 4:49 pm

Four comments

I was just reading this book Space by james A Mitchner. he is a great author. As he told of this boys life and the events of one evening of his life that would start the plans for much of his future. I became filled with wonder as was most likely intended. This boy John was so amazed by the stars, so overtaken by them that you just couldn't help but identify with him. Maybe this wonder is what I have been searching for lately, for my life.

I have been feeling it a bit lately. In my last post i talked of steping back and observing my life within the bigger picture. Not taking it too seriously. i have written about this before. But it usually fades, and i forget the feeling. I do take all of the small things in my life seriously. Every little thing, though I would like to not take it too seriously, i don't know if that can happen. I hope it can.

In my plans for europe I have been feeling this wonder a lot. Today at my new (old) room at my dad's house i hung up maps to continue this woner. But i deciced not to stop with just Europe maps. I hung up maps that show history. I hung up consteletion maps. I thought of learning a lot in history class this coming semester. I decided not to limit my focus, and at that moment my wonder. Maybe this wonder is similar to the big picture idea. I allow my ego to shrink down and all that is out there get much larger. i suddenly am not so important. My future or my now are not, because whatever i am pondering is so consuming. So infinate.

Or maybe it is just a well written book.

Ever wonder


Tuesday 24 August 2004 at 10:44 pm

One comment

So I haven't posted in a while. Partly because I was sick of all the lame ass "krumpers" but mostly because, well I'm lazy. I have no problem with admitting that. School is coming quickly and everyone seems to be moving and going their seperate ways. Een is leaving us for Portland, it's going to be weird not seeing him around anymore. Me and Eli are moving back to Ashland, finally!! His parents own this awesome house above the park trail on about an acre of land. It's older, it was build in 1912, and needs some love, but it's going to be awesome. It's 3 bedrooms,all hardwood floors, and has a clawfoot bathtub in the bathroom. It also has a front porch and a mud room. The third bedroom has a loft with a window big enough for a bed and a bookshelf and its got great yards on both sides of th house. The best part is that we will be paying the same rent that we are paying now. I was going through some pictures and I found this...


Vote For Pedro...


Monday 23 August 2004 at 11:40 pm

Two comments

Ever since i got back from the Mogwai concert I have been experiencing a new way to exist. It isn't really new i have felt it before, but since it is has been with me these last few days i think it is a good idea to write about it. I won't say it is disconnection from life, but it is the first thing that comes to mind. (ha, git it). But truthfully I do not like the image that creates, being disconnected from life. It is more like looseing the attachment to it. It is more accepting to the things that go on around me. If someone does not treat me very well, i don't want to denie that i don't like it. But I can just accept it and say oh well that is how things go. Of if I do something that i regret, i can loose the regret and say oh well it is overwith now. And not worry about it or let it seem like a huge deal.
I guess it is is like i just stop taking life so seriously. it really isn't that serious if you think about it. Sometimes i will read about some spirtualy thing or magical occurance. And it really makes me question how important this one life is. My one life. This thing i read makes me zoom out from life and see a whole picture, what ever it may be of, and suddenly that bad day in my life of lonelyness, or weakness, just seems so small. It seems like it is not worth very much attention.

A new way of life


Monday 23 August 2004 at 1:17 pm

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I predict for the upcoming election: George Bush will be sucking John Kerry's dick this year.

While they both get fucked in the ass by the seven foot long dick of a bunch of pigs.

And I, I will be sitting around singing pink floyd lyrics while everyone else srambles all about worrrying about the direction of our country.

our future


Sunday 22 August 2004 at 3:13 pm

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what a fucking trip. the drive: uneventful and long and fun. left at 2:30pm. up and back in one day. we got back at 7:30am. i fell asleep shortly after that. i took a bunch of pictures with my cameraphone -- i now present to you the random ones, in my summer2004 photoessay.

the concert was pretty good. cursive played some good tunes, but things were a bit sloppy. mogwai was pretty standard. i was slightly let down -- it was so similar to the eugene show that i caught that it kind of felt like watching reruns. still good though. the rapture though, that band, although i wasn't a big fan of the tunes, they sure put on a good show. by the end, everyone was dancing. there's something to say about a band that can win over a hipster crowd like that. overall, it was great journey, spending time with my good friends and ever-so beautiful/awesome ms.wr222.

a guy gave me a $10 tip at work for putting a skateboard together for his son.


cursive / the rapture / mogwai


Sunday 22 August 2004 at 01:52 am

Two comments

come and gone, ms.wr222 has. it was a superb visit, by my accounts. kelsey is an amazing girl -- she can hold my interest for an entire weekend, not an easily accomplished task, usually girls start to bore me within the first few hours. why must i be so difficult?

but overall, i had a great time.

we went and saw napoleon dynamite -- it was amazing. zac and me have been quoting this movie all summer, despite the fact that we havn't seen it until last night. it was great, if you get the chance, i highly recomend it, it's a bizzare but intelligent comedy, prettymuch the antithesis of will smith or martin lawrence.

does anyone have a copy of 'the wizard'? if so, let me know, i wanna borrow it, you son of a bitch.

anyway, these last 3 days off of work have been great, i'm dreading going back. i can honestly say, without hesitation, 'fuck the mall.'

anyway, i'm out. love you all.

take that, rewind it back.


Sunday 15 August 2004 at 10:02 pm

Three comments

It seems like things are winding down around here, in my life. Soon lazerbeams will be gone. It will be something entirely different, and i won't say worse, but not as cool that is for sure. Ian will be in Portland. Eric in corvalis. And Wispy, I don't even know where he will be. All I know is that things will not be the same as they are now. This is sadning. i know this is life and it will move foward, but a part of me want to dwell in the past, in the good and bad that is now. Because I love it. This is the good thing. Things will still be good around here, many of the crew will still be around, and we will all see eachother again. But it will be different. I wish I had made better of it than I did. But then again, my will, will not let that be true, becuse I will not change what is in place. My relationships with thoese around me will only grow from what is now, not becuse of what could have been.

I don't know if this makes any sense. I have been in a weird place lately. I am constanly searching for fullfillment. Drinking, smoaking, collecting, fantasying about the future, all my same habits. I have had many thoughts of good and bad, right and rong, human nature, my nature. All the usual stuff. I have not been writing them down which is ok. It leaves me less clear, but gives me room to jump from different beliefs before I have fully thought them out. Suddenly I find a belief system that I just believe because It is what I remember, It is what stuck with me. i like to do this from time to time, but it is very confusing. Writing keeps what I think I am clear. I like this too. I wonder if in this time of change I will opt for puting my thought in stone, or letting them be written? (This is all to a less minimal extent than I make it seem).

So I have been thinking that we should have a big ol party at Lazerbeams. I have not fully thought it out. There could be consequences. But our neighbors could also show us the respect that we have shown them this last...I don't know, year. I just saw the white haired lady with the green car in the culta-sack. You know the one. She looked away at, at nothing, then eventually looked over. I looked up and said how is it going. And I don't know what else happened in the 6 words words we just spoke. (allright, good night)? But I felt like she really felt angry to have to talk to me. So i truned away and walked. It was what I would consider rude. You know what I deserver more respect than that. I do not feel bad about kissing ass, because I see where our neighbors are coming from, but I expect a pleasent smile now and then, not a "I fuckin hate you smile". Well I am blowing things out of porportion, but I do not want to denie us a going away party, a good party at our house, like we used to have but better, because I don't want to piss that lady off.

Well that is all, I love all of you out there. Goodnight.

This is the end.


Tuesday 10 August 2004 at 8:59 pm

Three comments

my summer is quickly winding down, the cool summer nights fading into days of laziness, save the tedium of work. it's been great, barhopping here and there, a tight regiment of doom 3 (which is mindblowing), conversations with ms.wr222, pizza and diet pepsi (it's hard to find diet coke around these parts). i don't want it to end, yet i yearn to be back in corvallis -- there is much on my plate next year.

speaking of ms.wr222, she is comming to visit me this weekend. i'm pretty excited as she is a pretty radassed girl. she's funny and quirky and keeps me on my toes. saucy.

oh, junk -- new renholder APC remix from the new 'resident evil' film has been leaked (well, kinda) - check it out HERE (swf). it's a pretty badassed remix, it not only uses the vocals from the album, but also vocals from the acoustic sessions that the band did. danny lohner is tops, fleer even.

pounding on the faultline.

anyway, it's my bedtime. i love you all.

i'll just fake it in the end


Sunday 08 August 2004 at 01:44 am

Two comments

today was, well, sobering.

my friends from yesteryear decided to take me out for a little belated-birthday action. we hit up about 5 different bars, their treat. Jaeger, PatrĂ³n, Crown Royal, Beam, i had it all. standing outside of the vinyl club, i decided that i had had enough. i said that i was going to walk home. my friends insisted that i drink more, but i refused. some girl called me a pussy. i told her that i fucked her dad.

long story short, got a ride home and threw up like nuthin. now, as i was saying last night, there are two things that i hate: 1 - the dentist and 2 - throwing up. i havn't puked from drinking since i was probably 15.

so, because of my wild antics, i payed dearly for it today. i was a wreck. never again.

i know that i've already said it, but -- watch the linkin park video. GREAT.

anyway, things have been going pretty damn good for me, life is easy and i love being a bum. that's about it. much love.

//edit - i've joined the bandwagon and created my very own site on -- i love the powerglove, it's so bad.

linkin park is a roller coaster.


Sunday 01 August 2004 at 01:56 am

Four comments