its 1 in the morning and i am sitting here on the computer... well its been a while and i am sure you (by means of the cybernet) are on the edge of your seat to know whats next in store for old wispy and his life adventures. (im getting tiered of correcting my drunk spelling so its going to get sloppy). WELL I WILL TELL YOU WHATS GOING ON! Beanie, myself, and beans buddy garret got a house in a sweet location of hawthorne on 52nd st. There are mant sweet eateries and watering holes around the house within a couple blocks (including a stumptown and a SALOON we are able to aquire tasty beverages at) the weather has been nice lately and i have never been so jealous as of late as i was when i saw another 80's 4runner WITH ITS TOP OFF! FUCK... i wish i had a garage and some strapping young lads to help me store my top even if it only lasted a few days, it would be worth it.
my girlfriend and i have been doing great, we have been together for almost four months. i recently went up to miss beckerly's hokme town of long beach WA... we camped in a yert in a park called cape dissapiontment... fuck i am bad at spelling. the after noon we traveled around the local beaches, saw some rad ass lighthouses, and saw jake, THE half algator-man. after an evening full of hot dogs, pabst, gangster, and smores we got restless and tried the movie store, unfortunetly it waqs closed but the bowling alley was open for another hour! needless to say i wished that the dude and walter (and were sitting next to me talkin shit on the petter-ass but what can u do. fuck i just typed text speak. i thnk its time for my to go to bed. goodnight all