It's been awhile. I know. I've really been trying to stay away from the computer as of late -- there are much better things I can be doing. Plus, the internet is a fucking fad. It's like the tamagotchi of computer networks. Mark my words.
The big news in my life is that I'm still gainfully employed. My professional career as a computerist has survived it's first threat of destruction. By how narrow a margin, I'll never know. About six weeks ago, they (the ominous bosses) announced that they would be doing a 4% reduction in workforce across the globe, or roughly 1,500 people. Since then, the work environment has had a really strange vibe to it -- business as usual with the ever present threat of termination. ugh.

interstate five
At the beginning of last week, rumors began to circulate that the axe was going to fall in the next day or two. Also, it looked as though the total was going to be more like 5%. On Tuesday, certain folks started getting phonecalls requesting them in a conference room. The entire day, I kept waiting to get the phonecall. By noon, my phone hadn't rang, so I assumed I was safe. I was correct. Huzzah.
While I'm incredibly happy to be employed, things are going to get worse before they get better. A few people on my project team got hit by the shittrain. Unfortunately, our delivery date is set in stone. What does this mean for me? Pick up the slack. I'm already putting in some long hours, so this isn't the most exciting news.
Ah, the things we do for money.

Ms. Kim and I have been trying to travel down south more often, primarily to see my parents. It's always a treat to get to spend time with them. Additionally, Ms. Kim is a wonderful road trip partner. She recently purchased a car -- a 2004 BMW 325xi. It's a wonderful machine. It's going to get me in trouble -- driving the speed limit is absolutely painful when you know the car is easily capable of doubling it. Ticketmaker.

fuck the suburbs
Visiting the homestead kind of makes me resent the suburbs. Granted, it's quiet and clean around here, but I really fucking miss being out in the middle of nowhere. My dream house would be no further than 50 paces from the woods. All in all, I guess I'm just a big fan of privacy. And trees. And being able to see stars at night. Fuck light pollution.

Talent Friends Church
I've said it before, but it's so very strange to return to my hometown. Really, the only thing that has changed in the last few years, as far as I can tell, is the addition of a stoplight at an intersection.

sticks of joy
In between work and trips, I've been working on that arcade cabinet I bought awhile back. It's been a ridiculous amount of work, thus far, but it's been a lot of fun. It's given me an excuse to buy and use some tools as well as bone up on my wiring and woodworking skills.

I'm trying to keep it authentic as possible, but it's required a lot of custom work. The cabinet was an original Ms. Pac Man machine that was converted into a few different games over time. I've been able to use a lot of the original parts, but I had to build my own control panel for it. I plan to do a detailed writeup in the future, but as it stands, the cabinet is completely playable. Ms. Kim and I have already become Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo gods.

Art by Doseone.
Last weekend, T-bag and his wonderful girlfriend came and stayed overnight. We made a day trip out to the coast to tour the famous Tillamook Cheese Factory. I'd been there as a kid -- I remembered it to be awesome. Sadly, my childhood recollections have failed me yet again. The factory tours are self guided. You can see everything in about 10 minutes. Plus, it was the weekend, and noone was working, so all we saw was some idle-ass machinery. I did get to eat my first cheese curd. Brilliant. We made the trip back, drank a whole bottle of Absinthe and made merry.
All in all, life around here is pretty quiet. Quiet and sweet. I love you all.