
I met Robert englund (aka freddy kruger) the other day. He was staying at the hotel that my lady works at. She checked him in and the next person she checked in was staying a few doors down from him and his name was JASON KRUGER.


just found out that the chick i was trying to get up on on new years is now a stripper in eugene.


WEEN - Pure Guava, Melvins and Lustmord - Pigs of the Roman Empire, Nomeansno - The Worldhood of the World


Shot through the heart(and you're to late)


Tuesday 30 November 2004 at 6:06 pm

Two comments

we went and picked out our christmas tree today. it was the quickest trip to the tree farm ever. in and out. we found it, my brothers and i agreed on it right away (a first, for sure), tied it to the roof and drove home. very smooth, very seamless. it doesn't seem right.

thanksgiving was ok. i realized that i really don't eat that much, even though it's the day of over-eating, but that might be attributed to the fact that i never eat at school so my stomach is a bit shrunken. woops. although my parents did get me a microwave for my birthday, and i told them that they had made it possible for me to eat again. my mom said that statement worried her.

i echo eric's feelings of being a visitor at home. it's strange coming back, especially now that so much of my room is not my room. my sister lives here, i live in portland. my stuff is up there, with the exception of high school momentos that i refuse to get rid of.

and soon i will be in ecuador, spending a semester immersed in spanish, trying so hard to understand what's being said. hopefully i'll pick it up quickly. i had to go to the doctor to get a physical so the ecuadorian consolate knows i'm healthy, and it turns out i weigh 126 now. hooray. i'm not wasting away completely. with a steady diet of cigarettes and coffee up at school it wouldn't have surprised me to find i had lost a lot of weight. maybe my body is storing fat for the winter. hmm.

hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. the christmas season has started for me, so i'm working on being cheerful... i'm working on it.


merry christmas time is here...?


Saturday 27 November 2004 at 11:59 am

Three comments

my father, the badass

I'm sitting at my parents computer, the warm light of the overcast skies, the dreadfully slow dial-up, the soft sounds of buckley coming from my mom's studio. It's nice here, but something doesn't feel right.

This week was good. I had no newspaper to put out / edit / stress over, so I finally had a few spare hours to dick around while I was still up in Corvallis. It's crazy how much stuff I miss out of because of work / homework / class. On tuesday evening, i went next door. The gang was over there, being crazy, playing drinking games with Franzia wine. Headache city. It was crazy. It's really pretty amazing, with those guys, there's always a tense feeling in the air, an energy of sorts -- like a fight could break out at any time. It's not my scene, but I am constantly amazed by those guys.

On wednesday, I was done with class by 10am. Everyone took off by 3ish, leaving 25th street to me. I took a nap, played some guitar. I was bored. Finally, around 7pm, I decided to hit the road. I stopped by Eugene, met up with Kelsey (Ms. Wr222 / hotass) to attend a rock show at WOW Hall. The Advantage / Neil Hamburger / Pinback.

The Advantage, who I had interviewed earlier last week, was amazing. Those guys, they may seem like a gimmick band, but they are so fucking polished. It's amazing. I havn't smiled like that in a long time. They played the Castlevania suite (I, II and III) -- it was awesome.

Neil Hamburger was pretty fucking hillarious. I don't think that most people understood what he was trying to do. By the end, people were yelling "GET OFF THE FUCKING STAGE." It was pretty amazing. He told some of the worst jokes ever.

Q: why did metallica get haircuts?
A: because it was the only way they could get the matted cum out.

Q: why is santa going to come down the chimney this christmas?
A: because he's impotant.


Pinback was good, It was a weird set. The mix was all off, the bass was so loud that i could barely hear anything else, which sucks, because Pinback is really layered. About 3/4 of the way through the set, the bassist broke a string. The band continued while he restrung and retuned his bass. When he was finished, he tried to rejoin the band in their song, but everything fell apart. He slowly approached the mic and said "i don't want to say this, but i have to, this is Pinback's last show, i can't do this anymore"

and the houselights came up and i drove home and i felt drowsey and i listened to the jerky boys all the way home and i smiled, recounting simpler times.

Thursday, i woke up in the guestroom at my parents house to the smell of turkey and all the trimmings. The meal was wonderful. Simple. Just spending time with my parents, the three of us smile a lot, drank a lot of wine, talked a lot. It felt good.

For the past month or two, I have been occasionally talking to Kim. It feels weird. It was almost a year ago that things all fell apart. We don't talk about it, we dance around the subject, enjoying eachothers voice. After seeing Garden State a few weeks ago, it got me thinking about stuff. About the feelings i still have, about the misguided longing. Am i chasing a ghost? I don't know. I know what i should do, but sometimes, it feels too important to just walk away from.

But it's strange. Waking up in the guestroom. It was the first time that I've been here when it didn't really feel like 'home.' My room is the same but my bed is in corvallis. Does the location of your bed dictate where 'home' is? It feels strange. I feel like a guest, and i'm not sure if i like that or not.

So, enjoy your weekend everyone. I'm leaving on saturday to return to the hustle and bustle and alcoholism of corvallis. I love you all.

exploring the infinite abyss.


Friday 26 November 2004 at 2:15 pm

Five comments

Please do not spend your money on this piece of shit. The only movie that has made me WANT to serve popcorn to people instead of watching it. Rosario Dawson gets naked though. And we all know she is a FOX!



Wednesday 24 November 2004 at 1:01 pm

No comments

Prediction for the future:
I, sledg, am going to become a raging alcohalic again and get the whole blazers team suspended for the rest of the season for beating the shit out of me when I throw a bottle full of my piss and shit and puss and cum and blood at they fucking faces!

started my new job at a new movie theatre. and i still feel like a complete fag being there. but hey its free money right?

A poem

upside down
all around town
im brown like
the hairy

by ian



Sunday 21 November 2004 at 10:13 pm

Four comments

we won the civil war. great victory. the night was the highlight, however. I have never seen so many people out, walking around, laughing, yelling; hijinx abound.

that night, drank some beers, but i was in a strange mood. at one point, i realized i must look exactly like mr. braff from 'garden state,' when he's on the couch and everything is moving around him. i felt so detached. it was refreshing.

strange. maybe it's the weather.

manuscript replica


Sunday 21 November 2004 at 7:17 pm

No comments

your two favourite 4-letter bands will be on tour together in the future.

From our inside sources, JERYL and Lord bearded, who talked to ISIS bassist Jeff Caxide, ISIS will be touring with TOOL.

Jeff told Lord Bearded and JERYL, in an exclusive interview that the TOOL crew made them an offer at their San Francisco.

you heard it here first. or not. it's still cool, bitches.



Wednesday 17 November 2004 at 5:03 pm

Fifteen comments

me and mr. dax pierson

what an amazing show. honestly. went with my fellow-music-elitist corey. the opening bands weren't that special, but damn, Subtle puts on a fucking epic show. a truly amazing performance. the band was so tight and layered, it was almost overwhelming at points.

got to spend a few moments with doseone, which was great. he's a really amazing person. i got him to sign a couple things, we talked about the tour, etc. very personable.

but yeah, after the show, i decided i had to get my picture taken with dax. that guy is the man. honestly.

anyway, amazing band, amazing show, amazing night. i'll post more pictures tomorrow.

Subtle at WOW hall


Tuesday 16 November 2004 at 02:11 am

Six comments

yeah, busy as a bee, that's me.

Last year, to take a break from doing homework, I used to play the guitar, play a game, try to pick up women, watch a movie, but this year, to take a break from doing homework, i do the reading for another class.

I am so fucking busy, constantly. 8am-1am with 1/2 hour set aside for a nap, 1/2 hour to eat and 1/2 hour to run errands.

why? i don't know.

i'm at work right now, and just so you know, posting this is going to fuck up my schedule for the whole day. dang.



Wednesday 10 November 2004 at 10:13 am

One comment

I met George Clinton yesterday when I was walking past the Crystal Ballroom. He walked off his bus and almost ran into me. I said
"You're George Clinton." and then he said "That's Right son." And I kept walking after I gave a little wave.

Did I bum the mood out around here or what?


Tuesday 09 November 2004 at 6:27 pm

Five comments

Ok ok. So I went off yesterday. Im sorry.
So not EVERY republican likes killing and hates gays,minorities,women,athiests,the poor,etc. But (to paraphrase david cross) the people that they elect to represent them in office DO.

How silly of me.

Bullridin' donkeyfuck!

I stand corrected.....


Thursday 04 November 2004 at 3:43 pm

Eight comments

monday, noon, i was supposed to recieve a phonecall from adam "doseone" drucker. 12:20 rolls around, no phonecall, so i contact his PR person, get his cell number and give him a ring. ring. ring.

dose: eric! where have you been all my life?
eric: hey!

i talked to the man for about 30 minutes. i now think that he is the coolest person in the world. such clarity of vision, motive and intent. amazing.

so, in celebration of dark thursday, here's my lists:

things i like:
24 hour sudafed
my beanie
diet doctor pepper
arrested development

things i dislike
exit polls
the electoral college
sinus infections
cold showers

regarding the election, i only have one thing to say: i think, as a nation, we are strong enough, mature enough, powerfull enough to pretend like that shit didn't just happen.

i'm high on 24 hours sudafed. i'm stressed, but, somewhere deep inside, i'm happy. i love you all.

me & dose


Thursday 04 November 2004 at 01:57 am

Two comments

Well thats it. We are officially the biggest group of retards on the planet(no offense to Retarded People). Yeah. We reelected Bush. The only thing that makes me feel better is that my state went to Kerry so its not my fault. I did what I could do, but goddamn shit man! Do we really have to live through all the yeehaws! and hell yeahs! and all the fuckin TOBY KEITH for four more years? Oh yeah! What about all the people who are dying!?!?! I just want to run through a wal-mart and kick everyones ass that I see! Even old ladiesw and crack babies! I would strangle the crack babies and punt kick them into the american flag section and burn all of them at the same time. Oops. I better be careful. Our government(the church) might execute me for talking that way. I would just like to say a big fuck you to every person that voted for bush, I hope you are fucking happy. Ive always considered republicans among the shittier of people that you come across, but I had more faith than that. If you, the reader reading this write now, voted or in any other way supported bush, go the fuck away. Dontcha have some wrastlin to watch? some razor ramon? Go hang out with those krumpers and fuck each other in the ass, why dontcha? Oh that's right. If you arte a bush supporter, chances are that you hate gay people, minorities and women! so I guess you should go cook up some meth in your uncle's trailer and die you peices of shit. FUCK YOU REPUBLICANS and FUCK YOU BUSH SUPPORTERS and FUCK YOU ALL THAT DID NOT VOTE. I want to know something:
Lets say that the only people that are eligable for the draft are people that voted for bush, since the people who voted for kerry, mainly didnt want any more war. You wanted war, you got it. Now you can make your own backyard wrastlin movies, in Saddam's backyard! I guess I have nothing to worry about anyway. Luckily about a year ago I sprained my ankle and it still hasnt healed. It stillo pops out of place while im sleeping, walking, jerking off, having sex, and just about everything else that takes up my day. So I doubt they'd want me. A lot of good Id do! Fuck America amd Fuck Republicans. The most unamerican group of them all.

We are the Country that Re-elected Bush


Wednesday 03 November 2004 at 4:43 pm

Twelve comments

Here is a little something i wrote while studing for my history test.

Througout the civilizations of man. We have been seperated, allowed to advance in different directions, then conquored one another and kept the best of all direction. This development would occure over 100's or 1000's of years. Today we are not only advancing at an incredible rate, but the whole world isunified, wheather they like it or not. Through computers, TV, Radio, And much much more inter-cultural communications and immigration, we are all linked together. Scientist share their discoveries with all the world, and cultural experiments are free to be observed by the whole world. -----Now we face one of our hardest challenges, choosing a path, together, that will create the best possible future for us all.


i have got to philosophi


Tuesday 02 November 2004 at 8:41 pm

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