Througout the civilizations of man. We have been seperated, allowed to advance in different directions, then conquored one another and kept the best of all direction. This development would occure over 100's or 1000's of years. Today we are not only advancing at an incredible rate, but the whole world isunified, wheather they like it or not. Through computers, TV, Radio, And much much more inter-cultural communications and immigration, we are all linked together. Scientist share their discoveries with all the world, and cultural experiments are free to be observed by the whole world. -----Now we face one of our hardest challenges, choosing a path, together, that will create the best possible future for us all. i decided to post this because tonight is election night. I think it is possibe for bush to win. This scares the shit out of me. How can "my fellow americans" be this stupid. But as i take all of this bullshit too seriously, i realize that i am focusion way too much on the reality of NOW. Kerry is a better choice than bush, but i have deeper belifs that are being forgotten by thinking that he can solve our problems. No matter who wins we as americans need to take control of our county. We need to follow politics, and find the truth in them (hard to do). and we must make politicians do what we want them to do. What they are hired to do. We have lost power here. The majority of the population is being controled by a few. These few will do only what we will let them get away with. Kerry has potential for a good heart, but he is a politician, he has sold out to get where he is today, judge his charcter and see this. With Kerry more is expected, but not enough. America is not awake yet. The world is probably not awake yet as well. maybe we need four more years of bush. maybe with kerry we will fall back asleep, you and me who are waking up.
There is a different kind of power out there, one that we all possess, and it will be amazing. And if we don't then our mother earth will. But we could. Hallelujah.