Damn this internets is a crazy place.
I am a solitaire god.
I have always prided myself on my pattern recognition abilities.
Happy hollidays to you all. i have been away from a computer for some time, time for a recap on wispys past week and a half....Christmas was good. i drove up to my sisters new house in salem with my little sister melody. it was pretty crazy, at times there were like over 20 poeple from both sides of the family, but it was fun. i went out with kelsey and her friend crystel on x-mas eve. i got pretty drunk and sang wanted by bon jovi with crystel. i heard myself in the mike a couple of times, i even crindged. Christmas was pretty mellow, i felt like shit the whole day...but after playing dance dance revolution, that my nephue got, for about 5 hours i felt better. the week in between new years was chill, just workin and hangin out with the dudes.
Aww now new years, here is a night that always turns out to be crazy. i started the night out popping into a couple of friends houses to say hi and happy new year. i started drinking at this girl alex's house. now for the night i bought one of those $6 little bottles of jack that have like 6 shots in them? anyway i drank that in an hour and walked up to the creekside where i met eric and kim at 11. the booze weren't kickin in so i got a tall wiskey coke. drank that down. in the mean time eric tried to get some footy for zacattac.com, i dodged his slap and tried slapping him back and made full contact with his camera which went bouncing on the floor (again im sorry bout that E) luckly it didn't break. i was so releaved i found this a perfect time for shots. so before 12 two rounds of jeager were drank and it was time to go to the plaza. midnight struck, i lit up a cigar, eric got some pics and i don't remember anything past 12:30-1:00. too much way too fast. The last couple of days have been pretty mellow. played ninja turtles (for playstation 2) with eric for about 3 hours on the first and hung out with rabbo last night. now that you all have been caught up, im out.