1. play warcraft and see new worlds.
2. not have to work until 9 am
3. listen to road trippin and think of awesome posibilities.
4. not get left on the zepplin, meaning i would have went back to the place where i came from. but i didnt and now i am in some oger village on the second contenent. SWeet!
5. just a mirror for the sun
6. ...some really cheep gin and some dank weed.

Jon's favorite things to do as of right now.


Wednesday 11 January 2006 at 11:58 pm

Two comments

your computer run any faster?
Wednesday 11 January 2006 at 11:58 pm
it is running good, but still seems weak, i guess it is.
Wednesday 11 January 2006 at 11:58 pm


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