Aaaaah! The beginning of the school year. An exciting time for many a boy and girl. Well this term seems like it is going to be pretty easy. POPULAR CULTURE for my SINQ class, Intro to Fiction Writing for WR 212, and History of Cinema 1895-1920 for ENG 320. So far in my Pop Cult class we have watched Citizen Kane (Hearing people in the class trying to figure out what that movie is about, was maddening/funny), We wrote short stories in Fict Writ, and watched/discussed The General w/ Buster Keaton in Hist o Cin. Dudical. I should add another class but I dont feel like it.
If you think you have seen some nerds in classes before, just take a film class of some sort. I now know where the inspiration for the Simpsons comic store guy came from:
The fat guy sitting behind me that couldn't stop breathing really hard and kept raising his hand to talk about Jackie Chan movies.
Maybe it was the chick that kept raising her hand to ask questions about wether the the ORIGINAL vaudeville music was going to be played over the silent films that we will be watching, where you can find versions with the ORIGINAL vaudeville music playing over it, where she can find a human male hard up enough to stick his yeasty little stink shaft in her wafty axe-wound while listening to ORIGINAL vaudeville music (I think that human male was sitting behind me).