Een, I'm sure the controversy is mostly over the fact that Americans are consumer driven sheep and anything that makes them think is bad. We purchase everything from our media, right down to our President, God forbid anyone should make a level headed decision based on discussion or thought. Michael Moore is an extreme liberal, I'm personally not too partial to anyone that extreme, but he has some good points that make people think, and I really did enjoy Bowling for Columbine, and thought it was a well put together film, even if you have to sift through some propaganda because of course it is an extremely biased view, it was well made. The bottom line is that Americans do not want to have their views opposed and they do not want to have to think. They just want to buy and get fat and not worry about the state of things. Ok I'm done ranting...
Kities Don't Like Baths

Kitties Don't Like Baths




Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 7:30 pm

Four comments

getting food, the lady at the counter, a fairly 'large' girl, says 'ohmygosh! did that hurt?' confused, i give her the 'what the fuck' look. 'your lip' she says. i simply say 'not really.' she them procedes to tell me how much of a 'fraidy-cat' she is and how her friends said that she should 'get her nips pierced.' as she says 'nips' she sort of grabs her chest with a little squeeze and lifts up. strange.

i have to work on the 4th. suck. at least i get time and ahalf. it's only a four hour shift, so it's not that bad. i'm going to listen to slayer and the locust, to celebrate my country.

who wants to drink some busch light with me on sunday?

poise, personality and pterodactyls


Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 4:23 pm

Three comments

Hey you kalpers!

1.Saw Fahrenheit 9/11. I dont really see what all the CONTRA-versy is aboot.
2.Im engaged. That's right boys and gals. Im a fiance.
3.Erik is a liar. He has never done the artwork for Spider Man or that one Dragon comic that was on Image.
4.I had banana slugs implanted in my nipples(for taste, nothing more)

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! HAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahahaha!

Butthole Ticklin (with my lil Taint Vagina)


Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 2:45 pm

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my roommates are bitches, well, jonR isn't, but een and zachy, they suck. i'm going to try to prove why they suck in the next few paragraphs:

zach: this kid is so inconsiderate. between 3:30am tater-tot cooking sessions and constantly leaving his dirty socks/shoes in my room, he's constantly fucking my stuff up. he gets cranky in the morning, he's unreasonable at night. his friends smell, he smells. he's in california right now, i think he's gonna get cornrows down there. cornrows suck. the picture was taken when zach was dressed up like raph from the TMNT, the worst TMNT ever. he wanted me to roleplay the game with him -- roleplaying sucks. he drives an acura, which also sucks. whenever we go to taco bell, he gets double decker tacos, which, of course, suck. overall, he gets a 2.5/1000 on the 'not-suck' scale.

ian: this kid, don't even get me started. if he's not listening to the mars volta, he's yelling uncontrolably. and if he's not yelling, he's talking shit, usually about how 'eric sucks' and why 'vin diesel is cool' or how 'cigarettes are the best.' he doesn't have an afro anymore, which sucks. he eats cheese raviolli, which suck. he stole my sunglasses, the motherfucker. i took this picture after i busted a few of his teeth for using the last of my pert plus. he had it comming. so, if for nothing else, een sucks for the following reasons: he owns a mac, he smells and he doesn't give me hugs in public. what a dick.

out of context.


Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 12:17 am

Three comments

Most of you already know me, but I guess I'm supposed to do an introduction so I guess I will. I'm Sarah, 21, I've been in Southern Oregon for about 4 years now. I have a son, Kaden, and I go to school at RCC. I'm out of school for the summer so I guess I will be posting to fill up my spare time. I'm not quite as exciting as een or eric but my life can be semi entertaining at times, not to mention the fact that this site has a serious lack of estrogen, sorry guys.


Most of you already know me...


Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm

Four comments

Well I have been waiting a long time for this moment, to be making my own post for I remember watching Ian with awe and envy, once i even posted for him, but don't tell. It was when he was wondering about breaking up with his special lady. Yup, all fabricated, i don't even think he knew about it. HA, Ha, that was fun, but not here I am and it is the real thing, feels kind of funny to tell you the truth, got a little nervious energy in my stomach. I guess it is because i know that the whole world is going to read this, or at least fifteen to tweenty people.
I wonder how personal i will get, will my posts get all winey and pathetic, i fucking hope not, or will they be funny and good. I want to branch out a bit and put up some poems and stories. This is a part of who i am, writing is something i enjoy, and it puts the things i think and feel into reality, instead of just festering in my head. I also hope to use a lot of profanity twords my audience, if you guys and girls don't like that, then fuck you!
So there you have it, my first post, a good welcome i have given myself. good job jon, way to go.

Welcome to myself, and a big pat on the back


Monday 28 June 2004 at 3:32 pm

Five comments

get krumped, suckas.

so, i just spent the last few hours getting the site prepped for the new trial staff members. i told them all to post an introduction about themselves, so they should tell you a bit about themselves.

anyway, things are good with me. i desperatly want to drink beer and hang out with ms.wr222.


new members.


Sunday 27 June 2004 at 8:02 pm

One comment

A message to MYSTERY, BEWARE CRU, and all you KRUMPING mutha fuckaz:
Yes I am a skinny white boy fag.
By fag I mean that I fuck a ton a dudez in the azzz.
I rub my dick in and out of their cornholeZZZ.
All you krumping muthafuckaz that vizit our zite to tell us about krumping are funny. You just prove to uz that you are indeed adding to the ignorance in your zociety that makez zomething az ztupid az krumping a meaningful thing. I made zure to write all thiz in a way you peepz would understand it.
And to tell you the truth Ive changed my view on krumping. I think itz a great thing. Anything that keepz you from reading bookz or trying to learn thingz iz great. That way you have zomething to do in the way of zurfing around the intranet zticking up for it to people who honaztly dont give a zhit. Zo, Im gonna go fuck zome dudez in the azz while you just keep on krumpin and makin AIDZ BABIEZ, you ztupid muthafuckaz! And az Eazy E once zaid(and he knowz all), GIMME THAT NUTT.
Pz. Im black.

Get Krumpt 3: Fuck Hoezzzzz


Friday 25 June 2004 at 8:49 pm

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I would like everyone to start using the word "Kalp".
Use it instead of saying "Fuck" as in "I KALPED the shit out of that axe-wound!!"
So anyways,
Last night I had just got done Kalping the muthafuckin shit out of my girlfriends axe wound, and I decided to leave my room to look for food. I was met by Eric and Wispy who proceeded to take pictures of me and pointed and laughed. I felt like CARRIE. What assholes.




Wednesday 23 June 2004 at 8:49 pm

One comment

Well since I have definately mellowed out from my wild and crazy youth(about 2 to 7 months ago), I bet everyone is wondering what it is exactly I do for fun nowadays. Well I tell you what I dont do anymore - Orgies, lazer, daily drinking, crying myself to sleep - these are all things of the past.
Lately I've been having a lot of fun just goin to Wal-Mart with the old lady and shopping for, you know, stuff. I get my kicks out of watching reruns of cops and Pimp My Ride every chance I get. Picking up my drunk girlfriend and taking her home where we invent new strange versions of coitus is like a big ole fun swift kick in the gonads to me. Today we did a lot of fun which included making lunch, and laying around. Yeah I got old fast but something tells me Im about to have a midlife crisis.

I Feel Old


Sunday 06 June 2004 at 4:23 pm

One comment