A message to MYSTERY, BEWARE CRU, and all you KRUMPING mutha fuckaz:
Yes I am a skinny white boy fag.
By fag I mean that I fuck a ton a dudez in the azzz.
I rub my dick in and out of their cornholeZZZ.
All you krumping muthafuckaz that vizit our zite to tell us about krumping are funny. You just prove to uz that you are indeed adding to the ignorance in your zociety that makez zomething az ztupid az krumping a meaningful thing. I made zure to write all thiz in a way you peepz would understand it.
And to tell you the truth Ive changed my view on krumping. I think itz a great thing. Anything that keepz you from reading bookz or trying to learn thingz iz great. That way you have zomething to do in the way of zurfing around the intranet zticking up for it to people who honaztly dont give a zhit. Zo, Im gonna go fuck zome dudez in the azz while you just keep on krumpin and makin AIDZ BABIEZ, you ztupid muthafuckaz! And az Eazy E once zaid(and he knowz all), GIMME THAT NUTT.
Pz. Im black.

Get Krumpt 3: Fuck Hoezzzzz


Friday 25 June 2004 at 8:49 pm

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