Sometimes you just need a good walk in the woods. When no one is around with eyes visible, or domesticated enough a brain to want you to know they are there. A little mud flinging up with every step and clothes getting wet enough to know you will be cold when you stop walking. So you keep going, you don’t let your body heat drop. Sometimes it feels like you are conquering nature. As you trudge off trail, or climb over some rocks. When your face is stinging because the skin is cold but only the skin, the muscle below is hot so the cold feels good. Then your mind ponders if you were to get lost and have to spend the night. Nature would win, you would probably live but it would be a horribly long night. Your mind ponders this and a myriad of other thoughts that don’t usually come up either because your environment is different or you just don’t have the time to listen. When you take your eyes off the ground and look up you see a picturesque scene, some old tree a hundred or a thousand years old covered in moss or reaching across to a friend, with a forest covered peak behind it and a layer of fog making it look boding. The idea of treking into it stanches your blood and thought process. Down the trail maybe you see someone along the way and you want to stop and talk, to share the aliveness you're feeling, but you realize that they are on a mission to get to where they are going, as are you, so you pass by with a hello and a friendly comment about their dog or the weather. Back in your car the heater is nice but your mind is already thinking about your cell phone. And sitting here on a computer you can’t remember a thing of what you wanted to write with that clear head in the woods.