Ye olde money knife fight
I know, I know, it's been a long time since I've updated last, but since my life is so fucking mundane, I like to group it all up into one lump sum. That way, it seems that my day-to-day might actually be somewhat interesting. Banal minutia, for the most part, I do think.Anyway, I'll start two weeks ago, Saint Patty's day, which happens to be Ms. Kim's birthday:
I had planned, with her best friend, a small surprise dinner party at a local eatery. We had sent out text-message invites, myspace messages, voicemails and such but could only entice six guests. It's not like she's wildly unpopular, she just has some flaky friends. Prior to the party, Kim tells me that for her birthday, she just wants to go to dinner with some close friends. Having already planned the shindig, I tell her that I don't like her friends, which erupts into a giant shitstorm of giant preportions. Don't ever tell your girlfriend that her friends suck -- not a good way to gain points. I did, however, get my 'almost get a beating from your girlfriend' boy scout badge, which kicks ass.
Anyway, we resolve the issue and we're all set to go. Reservations at 7:15. En route to the food place, I get a text from her best friend telling me to stall for 20 minutes. I try my best, but we're right on schedule (curse my perfect timing!). Luckily, neither of us have any idea where this place is. We drive around for 15 minutes before Kim decides she's going to call for directions. She ends up calling her friend (who is in the restuarant we are trying to find). I thought my battleship (actually, I always liked the cruiser better) was sunk. Luckily, she gives directions and we're golden.
Long, lame story short -- she was surprised. Yee-haw.
Eric's quick review of 300: Sexy enough to almost give a straight man a hard-on, but I felt nothing for the characters.

Last week was killer. I can't really post the details, but regardless, it was a shitstorm, and I had a big hand in creating it. (Donning my nerd-hat) Essentially, someone wrote some really terrible code that got checked into our repository but somehow never made it into a production build. So, I come along, ready to make a small-scale fix on some totally unrelated code. I make the fixes, test out my functionality and push it as a patch to production. Well, the really terrible code got pushed out as well. I didn't load the gun, but I definitely pulled the trigger. I spent 16 hours at work that night and about 11 the next day. Not much fun at all.
DOSEJAUN himself.
This weekend, however, made up for it a bit. Jeryl, Zac, Kim and I attended the Subtle / TV on the Radio show, which was stellar. I'm not the biggest TVotR fan, but their new album is slick and their live show was pretty rock and roll. Subtle, as usual, tore the fucking place up. I've seen them a bunch and this was by far their most furious, intense show I've seen. Doseone was in fine form and the band didn't miss a beat. I didn't want them to stop. Even without Dax (miss you!), they are growing substantially. I fucking love their live shows.
Saturday was Zac's birthday. I don't really know what else to say, but I thought it should probably be noted.
What should also be noted is that Ms. Kim herself moves up to my neck of the woods (see also: with a roommate less than 3 miles away) this Saturday. She's essentially all moved up, but has a few more days of work. I am duderad excited. This whole long distance thing has been arduous -- actually, in spite the distance, it's has been nothing but joy -- she's an absolutely amazing woman. At this point, I couldn't imagine things without her.

Speaking of Zangief...
I think I've finally got Kim hooked on Trailer Park Boys, my current favourite in terms of television. It's a Canadian show and it kind of escapes definition. Just check it out, however you can.
Eric's wet dream comes true.
I bought two bitchin' monitors through the classifieds at work. I know you will all probably think I'm a huge nerd, but goddamn, they are sweet.Speaking of nerdery, did you guys see the DOOM II ZONE that appeared on Saturn?
Finally, I sold the old Explorer. I only made a fraction of what I wanted, but I needed to get that thing out the door. As much as I'll miss her, that thing was a piece of shit. She dropped oil, smelled funny, handled like shit and got terrible millage.