Oh hey there!
Remember me?
So, Ive been sitting by myself in my room a lot lately, so I figured maybe I should start posting on this site again.
I have no idea when the last time I posted was, but looking through old postings made me miss being so passionate about myself instead of feeling strangely indifferent regarding the whole matter. I dont know what happened but somewhere along the way I got bored with myself and have been feeling like shit ever since.
So here is my attempt to get back in touch with that old buddy.
Quick update on me:
I just finished up working on the films WANTED and TROPIC THUNDER. I am now "between jobs". Having lots of time would usually be quite welcomed by me except in Los Angeles I dont have any friends. At least not the kind that are called friends everywhere else in the world. So Ive basically been sitting in my room a lot, playing way too much GTA 4 (but not getting anywhere in it). And 5 minutes ago, I officially decided that turning 21 is the worst thing that can happen to someone. Or at least its the worst thing that ever happened to me. There has not been much excitement in my life since.
With all the strong urges I have now adays to be a responsible adult, I have an equally as strong feeling to be a ridiculous crazy. These feelings get fed in increasingly strange ways. The responsible half makes it so I cant actually enjoy time off from working cuz I feel like I should be doing something constructive, and I have started to get a nagging feeling of paranoia that people dont like me and that something is gonna fuck my life up in a major way out of nowhere. As I remember, I used to relish when those things would happen. But the crazy half peaks its head out when I drink now, but in inappropriate ways. Examples would be making a girl cry who I had met only a few minutes prior at the Hong Kong Bar last week. Or telling the guy that works at the 7-11 in Ashland that he was a piece of shit. Or sending a fucked up 6 page text message to Eli, one night in Portland. Doing Cocaine with Reed, and even though it was lame, still being up to do it whenever it comes my way again. Or just spending all my time in my room, to where my roommates think I hate them. But I only half hate them. Ive always been a depressive type, but Ive never taken out on other people before. And I dont feel depressed. I dont like this new side of me. I fear Los Angeles has started to rub off on me. I also fear I am becoming my father, which is a cliche. And that pisses me off too.
I have been missing working at a minimum wage job lately.
I also have not kissed a girl in over a year (I think, but I might have forgotten about something here or there. Well, the girl I made cry at the Hong Kong ended up kissing me on the mouth, but that doesnt count because I'm 99% sure shes batshit crazy. Plus who knows where else those lips have been).
I still have not met anyone down here that I feel like I can relate to at ALL. Not even people I can talk about movies with, because no one knows anything about movies, AND I FUCKING WORK IN THE MOVIE INDUSTRY. I am willing to admit though, it all could do with the fact that it doesnt seem like I like people as much as I used to. In fact it seems like I hate most of them.
Anyway, you are up to date now.
So, I believe I mentioned the Aussie gal I have struck up a relationship with in like my last post. Well, for internet things, I guess things are as serious as possible. We usually talk a few hours a day, and is often my only stimulus from the outside world. Thank christ for technology and skype in particular. We get along great and both think each other is great. I am going to visit/meet her in November. I have to say I am really excited. I am going to be there for almost 3 weeks. I wanted to ride around in a kangaroo pouch until she explained to me that they are pretty much like the insides of vaginas in there. That doesnt sound too pleasant. The plan is that she is gonna then come here in March for a long visit and then, Visa permitting, maybe even move here. Then I'll have someone I can watch David Lynch movies and whatever other crazy shit I like to watch with. I bet we will get to hold hands too. I already warned her I was gonna be touching her butt (or as she calls it, bum) a lot.
Here are some albums Ive been digging lately:
Grails - Take Refuge in Clean Living
Martina Topley-Bird - The Blue God
Spiritualized - Songs in A&E
Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter - Everything (Check her out if she is playing near you [possibly opening for EARTH], she is mesmerizing)
Geto Boys - Till Death Do Us Part
Girl Talk - Feed the Animals
The Melvins - Nude With Boots
Mason Jennings - In the Ever
Gnarles Barkley - The Odd Couple (Yeah thats right, and i even thought their first album was a piece of shit)
Famous L. Renfroe - Children
Dan Sartain - Everything
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Lie Down in the Light
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Nancy and Lee
Vincent Gallo - When
Thats it for now.