My poor fluffy kitty has been spending most of his time lying as flat against the floor as possible, either in my room, in the bathroom, or in the basement. I thought I'd help him cool off a little by putting some water on him in an effort to penetrate that damn fur coat he insists on wearing. He did not seem to appreciate my gesture. I may get my eyes scratched out in my sleep as payback.
My computer is "running dangerously low on diskspace." Shitty. I keep saying I'll get an external hard drive to put all my pictures on, but I still haven't. I am having to empty out all the useless random temporary internet files and such almost daily. Dumb. (Also, my 'n' key fell off. I never realized how much I used that stupid thing until now. It's rather a pain in the ass.)
I went to a wedding on Thursday at the beach. It was fun, I looked cute, but while dancing our tails off, my toe got kicked, and while I didn't think anything of it at the time, I later realized that there was a significant amount of blood on my foot, a direct effect of getting half my big toe nail ripped off. Gag. Puke. Bleh. Good thing I was drunk, or else I would have been a lot more upset. Now I just need to hope it heals fast and doesn't interrupt my running. Because I'd be pissed....
Well, I think that's all for today. Just thought I'd give you a little insight to my current Mon-day.