I'm halfway there; Saturday was the Helvetia Half-Marathon. I ran the entire time, I finished in less than two and a half hours, and did not fall over and die afterwards. All things I am very happy with.

They say if you can run a half marathon then you can make it for a full. I have just over three months until the big day and 13 more miles to build up on top of my progress. It's sort of disturbing that when I look at my training schedule and see that next weekend we're running eight miles for the group run I shrug my shoulders and say "meh, only eight miles?" Only eight miles??? Three months ago I wanted to kill myself after five... now eight seems like no problem... Progress indeed.

Other than that, I work. I run. That's about it. I've been to one wedding, have two left to attend this summer (that I know of). Have finally managed to find some closure with the sticky ex situation. It's refreshing, really.

Have been able to say for the first time in quite some time that I am happy. I like this.

However, I do not like the fact that it's mid-June and there is still no sign of legitimate summertime. No trips to the river, no camping, no warm summer nights.... I just want effing summer, for the love of God. Even though I know it will make this big old house a giant sweat box, I still want it. If you see summer, send it our way. We're hurting for it.

13.1 miles cooler... 2:23:03


Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm

Five comments

Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm
That's rad. I'm training for a triathlon right now, shit ain't no picnic. Running is the hardest part - I'm glad I don't have to run 8 miles. Keep it up.
Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm
Sorry I wasn't there like a good brother should have been. I'm glad that you kicked ass tho!
Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm
Jeryl- Triathlon is badass.. I despise swimming, there's no way I could do it! I'll pick running miles upon miles over water any day! When/where is your event gonna be???
Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm
It's going down in Bend. Swimming the Deschutes will be a bitch, but at least we're going with the current.
Monday 16 June 2008 at 5:50 pm


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