getting food, the lady at the counter, a fairly 'large' girl, says 'ohmygosh! did that hurt?' confused, i give her the 'what the fuck' look. 'your lip' she says. i simply say 'not really.' she them procedes to tell me how much of a 'fraidy-cat' she is and how her friends said that she should 'get her nips pierced.' as she says 'nips' she sort of grabs her chest with a little squeeze and lifts up. strange.

i have to work on the 4th. suck. at least i get time and ahalf. it's only a four hour shift, so it's not that bad. i'm going to listen to slayer and the locust, to celebrate my country.

who wants to drink some busch light with me on sunday?

poise, personality and pterodactyls


Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 4:23 pm

Three comments

Thats the most annoying thing ever... Did that hurt?? No it felt really pleasent to have someone shove a needle through my lip and im sure it will feel just as good to have one shoved through your nipples! Of course there is some degree of pain there.
Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 4:23 pm
If I could be any dinosaur I would probably be a Pterodactyl, or an Anklyosauras. Then I'd Fuck all the little Dinosaurs from the triasic period by travelling in time on a Hammond B-3.
Levi the poet
Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 4:23 pm
I probably would have told that chick to staple her ass shut, because it is talking to much. You know i just don't have patients these days. X-(
Wednesday 30 June 2004 at 4:23 pm


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