Most of you already know me, but I guess I'm supposed to do an introduction so I guess I will. I'm Sarah, 21, I've been in Southern Oregon for about 4 years now. I have a son, Kaden, and I go to school at RCC. I'm out of school for the summer so I guess I will be posting to fill up my spare time. I'm not quite as exciting as een or eric but my life can be semi entertaining at times, not to mention the fact that this site has a serious lack of estrogen, sorry guys.
Saftey tip for the day, while going to watch your boyfriend's (sexiest boy in the world!) band practice do not leave candles burning in the house, this is a nono.
Also with Summer going by all to fast and Fall coming sooner then we would all like a little word of caution for all you kiddies getting all excited to go jump in a big pile of leaves, always look before you jump, you never know what could be lurking under an innocent pile of leaves...

Thanks Eric for helping me get all this figured out hopefully next time i try to post it won't require so much damn energy!

Most of you already know me...


Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm

Four comments

who is that baby on the top of this post?
Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm
Hey sarah it is great that you are writing for the site, but before you even get started i want to make sure there ain't no woossie shit from your because you are a girl with a family. Girlss good, woosie bad. (monkey)
Jon R
Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm
Just kiding sarah, i know you are way more hardcore than me, i look foward to reading your posts, and am glad you too are posting.
Jon R
Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm
welcome to the team!
Tuesday 29 June 2004 at 9:23 pm


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