Well since I have definately mellowed out from my wild and crazy youth(about 2 to 7 months ago), I bet everyone is wondering what it is exactly I do for fun nowadays. Well I tell you what I dont do anymore - Orgies, lazer, daily drinking, crying myself to sleep - these are all things of the past.
Lately I've been having a lot of fun just goin to Wal-Mart with the old lady and shopping for, you know, stuff. I get my kicks out of watching reruns of cops and Pimp My Ride every chance I get. Picking up my drunk girlfriend and taking her home where we invent new strange versions of coitus is like a big ole fun swift kick in the gonads to me. Today we did a lot of fun which included making lunch, and laying around. Yeah I got old fast but something tells me Im about to have a midlife crisis.

I Feel Old


Sunday 06 June 2004 at 4:23 pm

One comment

when the rising sun sets on this rainy day, the things of old will again be new and the things aneewww...old.(cow)
Sunday 06 June 2004 at 4:23 pm


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