It has started again: lost sleep, homework and general stress. I suppose all good things (ie: Eric's winter break) have to come to an end. Instead of the mundane details of my workweek, I thought I'd just share the things I found this week, incorporated into a review for the movie that I wish I had seen:
Wedding Crashers: Eric's version: (bold where edited)
Two "mediators" anxiously await "The Wedding Season" as the prime women-meeting-opportunity of the year. Upon charming the attendees of said wedding, they seduce married, pregnant women. After sleeping with them, they break it off and tell them they look fat. After like 45 minutes of funny wedding bullshit, they meet some really amazing girls. Girls *so* amazing that these proud, seed-spreading men would give up "the hunt." But then it turns out that the girls are really fourteen. One of the bitches runs her mouth about her "super mature boyfriend" at Catholic School and in turn, the five-oh gets the news. After the police tell their fathers, the two of thempool their resources and have the two men shot, gangland-style, by one of their respective connections (one of which would include Bruce Willis in some awesome way)*.
This link deserves it's own sentence -- "Make it so, Picard."
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oh so rock.