I rule.

I am a solitaire god.

My to-date tally:

Score: Time
3721: 229
4484: 182
4641: 176
3873: 216
4352: 190
3477: 240
4075: 203
5045: 159
4464: 183
4529: 181
5185: 154
5328: 151
5120: 158
5684: 139
5003: 162
5847: 135


let's drink something

I have always prided myself on my pattern recognition abilities.


Random Links:

Things you can do with your body. I tried #10 -- it worked.
The original cover of Electric Ladyland. Goddamn I love Jimi.
High-tech shit. Ground control to Major Tom...
Sexy clothes for my nice new 20.1 LCD.
I don't know what the fuck it is, but there are some neato games on the side...
In the words of the wise (and sexy!)Neal: "Compelling."
Sigur Horse. (click them, you asshat).

Found objects.


Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm

Six comments

whats up with the circles?
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm
Come on zac...

The circles == people drinking something.
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm
i suck at this game
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm

Eat it.
Jon K
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm
Three card draw?
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm
Yes, sir.
Jon K
Sunday 08 January 2006 at 5:50 pm


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