Myspace is an amazing thing. Not only does it allow for me to keep in touch with people that I am otherwise too lazy and spiteful to contact on my own accord, it let's me people-watch without wearing mirrored aviators. Myspace is a microcosm of our culture. And boy does it suck ass.


The Girl /\


The Comments \/

"Angel" starts us out with some sweet-talkin' only a man of his demeanor could provide. I'll bet you $3 he's batshit for NASCAR.


"GAYASS JESUS" let's us in on a secret.


You know what, "The WEST is the Best," I've had that *exact* same problem before.


I told "Jerrad" that nice guys finish last, but he wouldn't pay attention -- he kept trying to use the handle of a pool-net as a bo-staff.


For such a professional, "Daddy Doyle" sure has a foul-fuckin' mouth on him.


"Vincent" learned shapes three days ago.


AYE AYE AYE indeed, Mr. "prieto."


In my biology textbook, "Auggie" is classified as a Benandjerryus Zombius


"Rashon" drops poetic science like weight.


"Bad Boy" illustrates that it's not sexual harassment if you end with 'lol.'


I'll bet that "Robert" rent's bicycles for the Spring tourist rush on Lake Michigan. I'll also bet that he sniffs the bike-seats when they get returned.

Damn this internets is a crazy place.

The Wonders of Myspace (part I)


Thursday 26 January 2006 at 01:49 am

Three comments

as i was reading this post i began to hear a slow and majestic rendition of "God bless america" playing in my mind... also, by the end of the post, and ironically the end of the song (in my mind), i was totally sporting some 100% american wood... thank you eric, you are a patriot and a great man.
Thursday 26 January 2006 at 01:49 am
Now I know what you mean when you say that you've been really busy, or that you've "got shit to do". Awesome post by the way.
Thursday 26 January 2006 at 01:49 am
I finished my homework at 1:30am and couldn't sleep, thus my need to peruse myspace. u have nice tits sledg.
Thursday 26 January 2006 at 01:49 am


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