It is kind of nice to wake up hungover and stupid. there is not a whole lot running though my mind right now. i am at peace in this world of obvlion. there isn't too much that matters anymore. i quit my job the other day. why i did this i am not sure, i have just worked there for too long. i know all of the people i work with too personally. well maybe not too personally, but i realized that i dont need to work there to hang out with these people. Though i guess it will not be the same. it is nice to work, because you have to be there. you are not trying to have fun with these people unless you want to. which relaxes me. i must say i was a pimp at brothers. i already miss it. and i will still be there for another month. i think this is good. i am gladd to feel the sadness. i just need to promise myself that i wont come crawling back, because it is so easy to do at brothers. it kind of feels similar to when i quit the varsity. except that i fucked up there, there was quite a bit of regret. i am trying to quit this job right.

if anyone can think of a job that would suit me i would love the advice.

he took it all to far, but boy could he play guitar...

i supose this is adios. i have noting more to write, because i my brain is not with me now, it may return.

to find some peace and quiet.


Tuesday 10 January 2006 at 10:31 am

One comment

Good for you man, it takes a lot to make changes with things you feel all too comfortable with. There's better things out there for you.
Tuesday 10 January 2006 at 10:31 am


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