It has let me to a conclusion. One I guess I have thought of before, but here it goes. All of our views and beliefs will find some common ground and meet. I was mainly thinking about politics in this country since this is the topic of the week. I may want to believe in lizards and think that all politicians are in some big conspiracy. Some other person may want to believe the democratic path is best. Some other may want to follow George Bush and cleanse the world of all of the crazies out there.
Right now I can feel the truth in my beliefs, even if it is in metaphorical form. I can see the logic of the democrats who say this is how democracy works, lets make it work. And I can even see those silly Bush supporters, because there are dicks, pussies and Assholes in this world. Sometimes we need to let the dicks fuck the assholes, or we will all get shit on again. Of course this goes against my anti-gay sediments, but hey.
So I think some where between those things and about, well 6 billion others ideas and beliefs, we will find common ground, or maybe we already have. Be an activist and let your beliefs be know as much as possible.