thanksgiving was ok. i realized that i really don't eat that much, even though it's the day of over-eating, but that might be attributed to the fact that i never eat at school so my stomach is a bit shrunken. woops. although my parents did get me a microwave for my birthday, and i told them that they had made it possible for me to eat again. my mom said that statement worried her.
i echo eric's feelings of being a visitor at home. it's strange coming back, especially now that so much of my room is not my room. my sister lives here, i live in portland. my stuff is up there, with the exception of high school momentos that i refuse to get rid of.
and soon i will be in ecuador, spending a semester immersed in spanish, trying so hard to understand what's being said. hopefully i'll pick it up quickly. i had to go to the doctor to get a physical so the ecuadorian consolate knows i'm healthy, and it turns out i weigh 126 now. hooray. i'm not wasting away completely. with a steady diet of cigarettes and coffee up at school it wouldn't have surprised me to find i had lost a lot of weight. maybe my body is storing fat for the winter. hmm.
hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. the christmas season has started for me, so i'm working on being cheerful... i'm working on it.
priority when Congress reconvenes in January 2005. The Bush administration
continues to push this unpopular initiative, despite the fact that drilling in
the Arctic Refuge would ruin this one-of-a-kind ecosystem for a miniscule amount
of oil and that a majority of the American people oppose drilling.
Call your Senators today and urge them to oppose oil and gas drilling in the
coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. You can call the U.S.
Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to contact both of your Senators' offices.
Here's a sample message you can leave:
"Hi, my name is _____, and I'm calling from _______. I'm calling to urge you to
oppose oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I don't want
to see one of America's last wild places ruined for a miniscule amount of oil."