2.Things that I've written on Endysis about and felt diffarently about in my life(you know, outside of the internet, a place some of you need to go more often):
-my girlfriend (before she was my girlfriend)
-women in general
-my roommates
-my friends
-eric's ass
anybody who knows me can pretty much tell you that i like these things but im sure ive talked a lot of shit about every single one of them. but that is not the point. The point is. This site allows me to vent. I KNOW MOST republicans dont kill homeless people, I just LIKE saying that they do, because it makes me feel better. Stop whining. If you dont like my point of view or my rhetoric, or whatever the fuck you want to call it, dont read it. I dont watch fox news and i dont go to church. Get over it.
3. Who ever said I was a FUCKING democrat?
so, we can officially end this. its a shame that someone cant vent their frustrations or state an opinion on something(like krumping), without getting a whole bunch of people up in your face about it. This is america. Im supposeed to be allowed to say whatever I want. I can say that I desperately want to eat republican's dried kidney's, puke it up, repackage it as caviar, and sell it back to them for 400 dollars a jar. And that's my right. So this is over. If you want to spout your opinion write about it in your blog. You're just reinforcing what I think about republicans when you respond to what Im saying. You are taking offense to something, even though I'm not even talking about you. Im not talking about anyone specifically. But if I wanted too, Im allowed too. You should have bigger things to be worried about then what een is saying on a random blog site on the internet. If you think you can change my mind about something or teach me something new, you cant and thats not your job. Mind your own business. Just dont make this a fucking debate. Debates are lame and I refuse to seriously get involved in one, as you can tell from my responses to the braindead krumpers. you dont know me. I dont know you. enough. its over. no more. I fear its too late though. too late. sorry guys. eric, i take the blame. sorry.
anyways to the post I was going to do today untill i looked at the site:
I had the most bizaar dream that i can remember last night. The main point of the dream was that I was locked in a shed or cabin, and couldnt get out. But what makes it wierd was that people kept stopping by and talking to me through the door. There was also a small framed picture of a wolf that seemed to be terrorizing me from what I can remember. There was the bottom half of a woman sticking out of the wall that I kept fucking. and then the best part. this is when I realized I was dreaming:
I made up a rap song called Lost Talking: According to Snake.
Yep. I woke up giggling and that was the end. Actually that dream might tie with the one about making a calander about how women feel.
Song in my Head: Whores - Bobby Conn
What I Want: GTA: San Andreas, Smoke and Smoke
Movies Im going to see today: I heart Huckabees, Donnie Darko Director's Cut (Theater Pub)
Cds you need to get: Ataxia - Automatic Writing, any Hot Snakes, any Melvins (except prick and collossus of destiny, they're tricks), Icarus Line - Penance Soiree
A poem for the Day:
NO NONSENSE by Charles Bukowski
Faulkner loved his whiskey
and along with the
he didnt have
for much else.
he didnt open
most of his
just held it up
to the light
and if it dident
contain a
he trashed
An Excerpt of Cash by Johnny Cash:
One of the worse times came early: my concert at Carnegie Hall in May of 1962, which apart from being an event itself was the final stop on one ride and the beginning of another.
When I got to New York I was already burned out.....
....I shot a moose about three hundred yards from the log cabin and called Merle on the walkie-talkie to tell him so, and it went something like this:
"Merle, I got a moose."........
......That was it for the walkie-talkies. You don't need them when you're holed up together in a cabin taking drugs and drink8ing, which is what we were really doing those days.
A Cocktail for the cold:
1.5 oz Scotch
1 oz Irish Whiskey
.5 oz Lemon Juice
1 dash Angostura Bitters
Shake well with Ice
And Lastly:
Last night I was walking with my lady from her work to the bus stop when I here someone yell "Hey. Man!". Now I dont usually turn around when people do that because usually they just want to bum a smoke or something, but there was some desperation in his voice that made me turn around. What I saw bummed me out. It bummed me out because I wished there was something I could do. Keep in mind its about 30 degrees outside. The man was obviously homeless and I would guess late 20's. He was limping across the street towards me(his foot looked like it was on sideways). In a hoarse voice that kept cracking he said,
"Hey man, can you please help me out. Me and my wife are starving. We have HIV, and we haven't eaten for almost two weeks. We're cold and hungary...."
This is when I noticed a section of his hair missing and noticed there was a huge gash on his scalp. I only had money for the bus, and I knew my lady was scared. I told him sorry, and that I couldnt help and he just stood there in the middle of the street staring at me as I walked away. He had the most devestated look on his face.
Im just glad I have somewhere warm to go.