my father, the badass
I'm sitting at my parents computer, the warm light of the overcast skies, the dreadfully slow dial-up, the soft sounds of buckley coming from my mom's studio. It's nice here, but something doesn't feel right.
This week was good. I had no newspaper to put out / edit / stress over, so I finally had a few spare hours to dick around while I was still up in Corvallis. It's crazy how much stuff I miss out of because of work / homework / class. On tuesday evening, i went next door. The gang was over there, being crazy, playing drinking games with Franzia wine. Headache city. It was crazy. It's really pretty amazing, with those guys, there's always a tense feeling in the air, an energy of sorts -- like a fight could break out at any time. It's not my scene, but I am constantly amazed by those guys.
On wednesday, I was done with class by 10am. Everyone took off by 3ish, leaving 25th street to me. I took a nap, played some guitar. I was bored. Finally, around 7pm, I decided to hit the road. I stopped by Eugene, met up with Kelsey (Ms. Wr222 / hotass) to attend a rock show at WOW Hall. The Advantage / Neil Hamburger / Pinback.
The Advantage, who I had interviewed earlier last week, was amazing. Those guys, they may seem like a gimmick band, but they are so fucking polished. It's amazing. I havn't smiled like that in a long time. They played the Castlevania suite (I, II and III) -- it was awesome.
Neil Hamburger was pretty fucking hillarious. I don't think that most people understood what he was trying to do. By the end, people were yelling "GET OFF THE FUCKING STAGE." It was pretty amazing. He told some of the worst jokes ever.
Q: why did metallica get haircuts?
A: because it was the only way they could get the matted cum out.
Q: why is santa going to come down the chimney this christmas?
A: because he's impotant.
Pinback was good, It was a weird set. The mix was all off, the bass was so loud that i could barely hear anything else, which sucks, because Pinback is really layered. About 3/4 of the way through the set, the bassist broke a string. The band continued while he restrung and retuned his bass. When he was finished, he tried to rejoin the band in their song, but everything fell apart. He slowly approached the mic and said "i don't want to say this, but i have to, this is Pinback's last show, i can't do this anymore"
and the houselights came up and i drove home and i felt drowsey and i listened to the jerky boys all the way home and i smiled, recounting simpler times.
Thursday, i woke up in the guestroom at my parents house to the smell of turkey and all the trimmings. The meal was wonderful. Simple. Just spending time with my parents, the three of us smile a lot, drank a lot of wine, talked a lot. It felt good.
For the past month or two, I have been occasionally talking to Kim. It feels weird. It was almost a year ago that things all fell apart. We don't talk about it, we dance around the subject, enjoying eachothers voice. After seeing Garden State a few weeks ago, it got me thinking about stuff. About the feelings i still have, about the misguided longing. Am i chasing a ghost? I don't know. I know what i should do, but sometimes, it feels too important to just walk away from.
But it's strange. Waking up in the guestroom. It was the first time that I've been here when it didn't really feel like 'home.' My room is the same but my bed is in corvallis. Does the location of your bed dictate where 'home' is? It feels strange. I feel like a guest, and i'm not sure if i like that or not.
So, enjoy your weekend everyone. I'm leaving on saturday to return to the hustle and bustle and alcoholism of corvallis. I love you all.
let old dogs lie, or something.
Don't . .
Stop . .
Thinking-a-bout tommorrow
don't ...
stop ...........