what a fucking trip. the drive: uneventful and long and fun. left at 2:30pm. up and back in one day. we got back at 7:30am. i fell asleep shortly after that. i took a bunch of pictures with my cameraphone -- i now present to you the random ones, in my summer2004 photoessay.

the concert was pretty good. cursive played some good tunes, but things were a bit sloppy. mogwai was pretty standard. i was slightly let down -- it was so similar to the eugene show that i caught that it kind of felt like watching reruns. still good though. the rapture though, that band, although i wasn't a big fan of the tunes, they sure put on a good show. by the end, everyone was dancing. there's something to say about a band that can win over a hipster crowd like that. overall, it was great journey, spending time with my good friends and ever-so beautiful/awesome ms.wr222.

a guy gave me a $10 tip at work for putting a skateboard together for his son.


cursive / the rapture / mogwai


Sunday 22 August 2004 at 01:52 am

Two comments

although i enjoyed the preformances by the bands, i would have to say that it wasn't just merely the music that made the night magnificent. as zack's hair blew in the wind on the car ride up to portland, i knew that the night was going to be slightly amusing. it was not until a bum (with an awesome 'Vote for Pedro' pin) rode up to me on his bike commenting on my tan and telling eric to cook beans and nails in order to get tan, that i knew a great night was in the process of unfolding. the concert was spent in the best company imaginable and afterwards it was off to Denny's. mexican jesus shouting "daddy! whats for christmas?!" was a highlight of the eatery. as for the rest of the drive home...well...speechless. thanks for the great time. hopefully i'll be invited again sometime.
arctostaphylos columbiana
Sunday 22 August 2004 at 01:52 am
i love the pic with wispy and the juice box, that captures him so well
Sunday 22 August 2004 at 01:52 am


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