today while walking around quito i saw three incredible mullets (poorly drawn examples below) . the shirley temple one was by far the greatest thing ever, though. just these perfectly formed little ringlets hanging down his neck... creepy as hell.

so, sometimes i forget that i'm in latin america where things are very different. for instance, today is mother's day, the day where mom should take it easy. no. blanca stayed home from church today to cook us a huge breakfast, and then went shopping all afternoon to then make us a huge lunch. and she did all the dishes too. i tried to help, but apparently that isn't allowed. so weird.

two weeks, two weeks. between now and then i have five finals, two fútbol games to attend, a trip to the beach, the rest of my shopping, and packing. woohoo. this should be fabulous! and then it's back to my car, my coffee, my cigarettes, and being an adult without an ecua-mom to take care of me. so sad.

hope everyone said hi to their mom today.

miss you all.


ho hum


Sunday 08 May 2005 at 4:44 pm

Three comments

some day i will be that flowing mullet picture....i hope.
jon r
Sunday 08 May 2005 at 4:44 pm
Blanca? Can she do that electricity move and fly across the screen in a ball?

I was always a fan of Chun Li -- hothothot.
Sunday 08 May 2005 at 4:44 pm
Italy has similar flowage of hair. I can't get over the mullet-hawk and I have yet to discover a dread combo.

Sunday 08 May 2005 at 4:44 pm


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