i'm at the computer lab feverishly working on my nachOS (toy operating system written in Java) program. it sucks. i'm waiting for my results to get spit out, so I thought i'd post and let y'all know that i have updated my gallery with the latest Diversions covers. let me know what you think.


i fuck bitches from distance


Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm

Five comments

Maybe you should create a cover that incorporates lemurs. I'm watching NOVA right NOW and it's about lemurs. Little damn darlings, all of them. Wise. And swift. Some lemurs used to be the size of male gorillas.
sarah c.
Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm
FYI- the average male gorilla is 5'6", which is interesting because I am 5'6". So if you went to Madagascar at its heyday, there were Sarah Cutsforth sized lemurs just walking the island.

(Fat Sarah Cutsforths! Average male gorilla = 400 pounds!)
sarah c.
Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm
the one with the zipper reminds me of that time I unzipped your pants and fucked your bloody hot and steamy butthole.
Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm
v dad is hot, fucking hella hot
Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm
mad wicked.
Thursday 12 May 2005 at 9:59 pm


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