"Twas the summer of '6-tee-nah-ah-hine . . . oh yeaah"
---------------------------Byran Adams(Summertime Enthusiast)

I 'ave great yearning to hear songs that sentimentally quantify the abundance of awesomeness of that the Summer season provides. The events of past 2 months of this been staggering, in hindsight. Graduated from S.O.U., jammed with Bosco, threw candy at little kids, drank beer, quit a job, watched Kyuss videos, saw a real live circus (in a tent), folded sheets, !Mexico City!, and proposed to my wonderful lady(she said "yes").
Most recently, I had a monumental dream that I saw the return of a rock n' roll band called the Murder City Devils with my radical dudes and about 3000 other people in Seattle town. In the dream I was reminded how great it feels to be young and have people in my life that make life worth living to the point of extatic exhaustion.

My list of goals for the month of Audgust is long, but with this momentum I can't go wrong. A few points of focus:
seeing the Mathew Barney installation at the SanFrancisco M.O.M.A., seeing A Silver Mt. Zion, prepare to move to Portland town, and finally see A Scanner Darkly. I might even get around to making a mixtape for the collective.

More soon, and in case you didn't know, this man is not funny.

"Twas the summer of '6-tee-nah-ah-hine . . . oh yeah" . . .


Monday 31 July 2006 at 2:12 pm

Four comments

Never before have I seen a better played phonetic spelling of a Bryan Adams song title. And congratulations on your engagement.
sarah c.
Monday 31 July 2006 at 2:12 pm
congrats, homie! sounds like you're doing summer right. way to be.
Monday 31 July 2006 at 2:12 pm
jerry you put two http"s in all of you links so they dont work
Monday 31 July 2006 at 2:12 pm
Thanks Sled, all fixed.
Monday 31 July 2006 at 2:12 pm


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