i'm in for a long couple of months. i'm on orders with my unit through september, so i'll be out there working at the armory mon-fri from 7:30ish to 4:30ish. then it's off to the gap to work from 5:45ish to 10ish. i'm doing ok today, but that's mostly because i didn't have much work to do for the army. in fact, there was so little for me to do that i spent most of the day making my newest mix for MTC. it was a lovely way to fill the day. eventually i'll make an army mix; all those songs which make me think of the army somehow. now i just have to keep my fingers crossed that the DoD doesn't catch on to what i'm up to and block MTC from the server. they already blocked myspace, so there goes guarenteed hours of entertainment. somehow endysis and MTC have managed to stay under their radar.

now, time for a little jon stewart before i head to bed and do it all over again tomorrow.


14 hr days...


Tuesday 18 July 2006 at 11:08 pm

Four comments

Has "always....." just been replaced with "-xo-"?
Jon K
Tuesday 18 July 2006 at 11:08 pm
maybe just for the moment... i didn't think anyone was paying attention.
Tuesday 18 July 2006 at 11:08 pm
No, no. It even made me stop and think and wonder where it went. Good luck with that schedule, by the way. Holy smoke.
sarah c.
Tuesday 18 July 2006 at 11:08 pm
hehe... we'll see how long this lasts... or rather, we'll see how long i last.
Tuesday 18 July 2006 at 11:08 pm


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