My Blurry Muse.
The first week is out of the way, and thanks to a glorious weekend, a corporate holiday and America's motherfucking birthday, I'm already halfway through my second. Glorious times, these are.My first 5 workdays were a bit slow. Last time, when I showed up, everything was prepped, but this time, having experience, my boss and mentor thought it would be good to let me fend for myself. I spent the good part of 3 days playing phone / e-mail / cube tag with all sorts of different people attempting to get access to share drives, repositories, etc. Hectic and confusing to say the least. At the end of the week, I already found myself neck-deep in at least 3 hefty projects. I can't complain, however -- busy days makes the hours pass much more quickly.
This past weekend was spent with Ms. Kim, gallivanting around the Hawthorne area, watching movies, sleeping late, drinking vodka, taking naps, exploring the town, resting, eating good food and so forth. Three days in her arms is just about the most wonderful thing ever.
She left and I was lonely, so I decided to start work on the mixtape collective again. It's slow progress, as I am pretty pooped and coded-out by the time I get home, but it's nice to get back into the groove -- it's a wonderful project. I looked at the traffic logs and ran some comparisons -- exponential growth since we've opened -- that's what I like to see. We've got a long road ahead of us, but if my vision comes to fruition, it's going to be fucking epic.
On a side note, I have purchased my ticket for the Capitol Hill Block Party in Seattle where the Murder City Devils will be reuniting for one show. For $18.50 (including service charge), it's well fucking worth it. I'm just stoked because Sledg / Ian will be in LA and it's one more thing that I can hold over his head. Ian, just so you know, I'm going to give Spencer a hug and tell him why you suck.
Monday was spent coding and drinking beer. Tuesday was spent drinking beer, playing pool and watching MI:3 with the awesome roommates at the totally awesome Baghdad Theatre. Being able to drink a beer and watch a movie (for $3 admission) is beyond awesome. Then went to watch the oh-so-cool fireworks on the waterfront. I love Portland.
That reminds me, I went and watched Superman with the muse at OMSI's IMAX. It sucked. The fucking perspective of that place mixed with the crappy movie mixed with the fact that the lady next to me kept blowing her nose as hard as she could made for a less-than stellar experience. Plus, it was $12 a ticket. Plus I couldn't drink any beer in there. Weak.
This week looks to be daunting. Lots of work to do and lots of code to write. I'll try to update this thing more often, but I'll be the first to admit, it's low on my list of things to do. Sorry.