Miss Kim came to visit me in Corvallis on the Friday before graduation. We hung out, drank lots of vodka and generally had a good time. The parents showed up on Saturday for my big graudation thing. I donned my cap and gown and looked like an uber-dork for a few hours. People kept telling me I should be proud, but I was just wishing that I had brought some water -- those black gowns are the equivalent of wrapping yourself in a down-comforter for a nice nap in the sun. Weak.
They mispronouced my name at the ceremony (see also: Eric Fayner), but it was all good, as noone ever gets it right. Not even my close friends. Those fuckers.

Ian, sad because he hadn't checked his myspace for 30 minutes.

For no reason, an image of the road to my house. My parents live up in them thar hills.
After the graduation, I went home for a few days and took it easy, for the most part. I got a tune-up on the Exploder and spent almost every waking moment with my wonderful woman. I caught up with a bunch of friends, but my time was brief and I find myself wishing I had spent a few more days in town.

Real-life Tetris in the back of my ride
After a few days of rest, I returned to Corvallis for a fit of feverish packing and moving. I managed to transport everything I own in the 'Splorer in a mere two trips, although shit was stacked like Tetris on the second load. I'm a master of organization and stacking, which I attribute to my father and my extended Gameboy-tetris sessions. Even as a child, 200 lines was nothing for me.

I turned this

into this.
I hate packing. So very much. I alwas tend to start out being super-organized, but always resort to random-box filling when it becomes less-obvious where things should go. It makes it a little more interesting to unpack, however, since I never label my boxes. The big box? Oh, it could be clothes, books, flatware or a massive collection of pornography. Kidding.

The house is magical, albeit a bit hot. Today tipped the scales at 105F according to the thermometer out back. I layed in the sun today, trying to catch somewhat of a tan and read Pattern Recognition by Willy Gibson. I've been trying to get through it for ages. Not that it isn't a great book, I've just been distracted.

My room
Anyway, back to the house. It's old, but it's been remodled. It's got hardwood floors, area rugs and the cute carpet-in-the-middle on the stairs. As I said before, I am living with two wonderful folks and perhaps a fourth in a little bit, but that remains to be seen.
I start work tomorrow for the same boss, working on the same team I did last summer, but I get my own cube this time. NEAT! That place is amazing, I really do hope things work out. Say a prayer for me, I have a few student loans to repay.
It's really strange to know that I won't be going back to OSU any time soon. I don't really think that the full-shock has hit me yet, but I must admit, it is nice not having anything on my plate. I fell a little bit lost without any homework, which is nothing short of pathetic.
the weirdness of not going back to pacific hasn't hit me yet, either. wait until end of august (end of sept in your case) when you feel like summer should be ending and you should be headed back to the books... i bet we'll get it then.
so you do realize at some point this summer we must go get drinks, correct?
debbie: yes, drinks. of course. where are you at these days?
i'm living in hillsboro still, until november at least. i leave for a couple days at the beach tomorrow, then off to play army for a wee bit. end of july when i get back, drinks. horse brass. we'll do it.
I'm pretty sure that I'm God at Solitaire now. (3 card draw)
Long time no talk -- how'd the year end up for you, Mr. darrin, and WHERE are YOU located?