so this past year has been hellacious. but the past month has been even worse. my son's father has been accepted into the nursing program and in order to afford it he needs to claim our son to get aid. since we're not together this means i can't claim him and thus i get to take an unwanted break from school. yip-ee. so now i'm looking for a job. anyone need a pharmacy technician?? the straw that broke it all happened about a week ago when my boyfriend of three years left me. this is the first time i have ever been dumped (for lack of a euphemism)...

...lets just say that i'm not taking it well, not only is my ego bruised my heart is broken. i guess ill survive somehow, hopefully, maybe.
Life throws all of us a couple curve balls (some more than others) and you're going to turn out a better person after you deal with them. Hang in there The pain will slowly fade. Do what you can to make things right again and try to keep yourself busy.