Battle of the Bands 2006

I wish I could find more time and motivation to post, as this is a pretty monumental period in my life -- I picked up my cap and gown last Friday.

A week before that, however, school was on the back burner. Twas the glorious two-day period that has emerged over the last few years: Battle of the Bands and The Roots, Rock, Reggae Fest (formerly known as the World Music Festival [which was an 'improvement' on The Free World Music Festival moniker.]) Friday night, hordes of drunk people pillaged the MU quad to watch the highly-entertaining (seriously) bands that I had helped decide upon. Acting as a judge, it was a pretty rad festival. Drunk off poor-man greyhounds (Vodka and Squirt -- represent), I sat above the crowd watching the festivities. It was probably like 1/45th kinghood. Some people didn't like our pick for #1, but fuck 'em, the band we picked was duderad. For serious.

The following night was spent with ex-Beaverton-roommate Paul (aka. Mr. "dude, books are gay") at the tail end of the R^3 Festival with more brew than we knew what to do with. A nice way to round out a stressful and exhausting term. Seriously, stay the crap away from Numerical Analysis. I still pulled an A, but hot damn, that was some crazy shit.

On a side note, I would like to hereby legally and formally announce my 'Intellectual Property' rights on the two following items, both of which were conceived in love-oven of my luscious, beautiful brain:

Item 1: Artificial pubic hair
Description: Artificial pubic hair, manufactured using space-age polymers that can perfectly recreate the texture and glisten of pubic hair can be used in a number of both medical and merrymaking markets. Firstly, prosthetic pubic wigs, commonly known as a 'merkin' can now be made without costly donor screening or the threat of lice-infestation. Glorious. It also has much value in the 'prankster / jokester' demographic (commonly referred to as 'assholes'). Fake pubic hair can be a pranksters dream. sprinkled liberally (I plan to sell it by the pound) on a toilet seat will almost certainly result in a boatload of laughter. For maximized enjoyment, liberally apply fake pubic hair to: soap, soup, ice-cream, sandwiches, purses, bedsheets, shower drains, graduation gifts and so forth. Miraculous.
Conception date: When I was 9 and saw my first hair-clogged drain and again when I was 13 when I found a curly hair in a sandwich from the school cafeteria. I still cry about it sometimes, actually.

Item 2: PetriSoap.
Description: The soap itself is quite simple. It looks like a normal bar of soap, but thanks to my secret 'stabilization matrix' of lye and LA Looks gel, it is far from normal. The soap acts as a petri dish of nutrients to stimulate growth of bacteria while still creating a thick lather and a zesty fragrance. People will literally be bathing in their own filth, but at a much higher magnitude than normal. PetriSoap will be sold in bulk to the numerous prank manufacturers around the country. They will take these OEM soaps and repackage and sell them under their own distribution channels.
Conception date: Right now, I thought it would be lame to just have one.

Okay. That's done. I registered just the other day. I spent the last couple days intermittently redesigning my portfolio and writing a PHP script that will make my life a whole lot easier to update and change things. Good shit. <3 php. Come on y'all, let's go check out Eric Feigner's portfolio.

As far as websites are concerned, The Mixtape Collective is growing. We have 124 users and that number gets bigger every day. It's turning into a really fun community of people, with new blood entering a steady pace. I'm diggin' it. Corey and I have a lot to do on it, but it should be a nice time-killer now that I'm nearly out of school.

Out of school, that has a strange ring to it. On the topic of employment, I went up to Nike last week to get all my paperwork in order and meet with my manager. Twas a good trip. I got my ID picture retaken, but again, I have the most silly looking smirk ever. Curses. My first day is on June 26th.

But before I can get my shit together and move up to Portlandtown to live with the wonderful Neal and Hollye, I must first graduate. As I mentioned before, I picked up my cap and gown AND my honor chord. I'll admit it, I'm actually quite proud of myself.

Graduation is Saturday, but I'm going to be honest, I'm way more excited for Ms. Kim to come visit on Friday. Truly.

I love you all.

A month in the life


Wednesday 14 June 2006 at 01:57 am

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