so i really am trying to find a job. really, i am. not necessarily a real job, but a job. i have an interview on monday at one of the many starbucks in the area. yeah, i'd be ok with that.

my life as of now is pretty great. i mean, aside from the definite lack of income, which sort of sucks, i am pretty much living the life of a suburban housewife. i get up in the morning, go running, make my regular stop at starbucks, come home, shower, then determine if i need to go to the store to get anything for dinner. if i do, i then head out to run whatever errands may need running; if i don't, then i either do paperwork/pay bills/fill out apps/etc, or i watch a movie. or both at the same time.

i've watched a lot of movies lately.

then i start dinner so that my roommates have dinner ready when they get home.

i've been baking a lot, too. the other day it was cookies, and today i made my first lemon meringue pie ever. it looks good, don't know if it'll taste good. i personally don't like pie, so i won't be able to tell you, but i'm sure i'll get accurate feedback from the boys.

a month or so ago i had dinner over at one of my prof's houses with his wife, another prof, and my friend caine. we had a blast, and yesterday i decided to drop off a (fashionably late) thank you note. britney (his wife) was there so we sat at the kitchen table, drinking iced tea and chatting, trading recipes and whatnot. dear god, i'm hanging out with other suburban hosuewives. i should be worried.

but really, i'm not. i'm kinda loving it, actually. now all i need is find someone to marry who comes with a much larger budget to play with, and i'm a happy camper. or housewife. i mean, i get the whole house to myself all day, i can listen to what i want, watch what i want, dance around in my underwear singing showtunes while i clean if i want.... what's not to love about this?

ladies and gentlemen, i might have found my career of choice....


post-college life


Thursday 08 June 2006 at 2:05 pm

Three comments

Good to hear you're having fun, but don't sell yourself short on the whole housewife thing -- you're full of good stuff, you should let it out :)
Thursday 08 June 2006 at 2:05 pm
jobs are jails!

housewifes are long term hookers from a past life.
Thursday 08 June 2006 at 2:05 pm
The Virgin Mary was a housewife - and SHE gives out miracles for a living!
Thursday 08 June 2006 at 2:05 pm


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