Clerks 2 trailer

I'm scared.

The original Clerks is widely regarded in the world of Darrin as one of the greatest movies ever made. It is the best film ever about nothing at all. It's crude and funny and dark and overwhelmingly memorable.

So shoudn't I be excited that a sequel is in production?

No, I shouldn't. Sequels always blow, and Kevin Smith's track record of late hasn't exactly been stellar. I think that when he lost his bid to make the Daredevil movie, his soul (and the soul of Daredevil fans everywhere) died a little bit. Kevin Smith has jumped the shark, and he needs to leave Clerks alone. It's a masterpiece. It's perfect. Don't touch it.

And the sequel is in color. COLOR.


On another note, go here. It will make you smile in the wake of all this tragedy.

Clerks 2 ... really?


Monday 29 May 2006 at 4:55 pm

One comment

I dunno, man. I've seen an advanced screening and its a pretty damned excellent movie. You'll be cheatin' yourself if you don't see it.
Monday 29 May 2006 at 4:55 pm


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