today me and my dad got a taxi to the boder, and went into a town called los Algodones. there are like fifty dentists and eye doctors here. on only 4 or so streets. it is funny, signs layering eachother at different levels and angles. dr. so and so, and doctor fro and fro... there are even guys yelling at you, "he you need drugs, come into salvidors pharmacy", ect. we went to dr. rubio's office. they say i need 8 fillings but i dont really believe them. i dont know if i will get any teeth filled tomorrow. well see. as for my dad, he is in trouble. he has some sourt of degenerative deseaze in his jaw and cannot get any dental work done until it gets cured.
We left the office quite unhappy but he handeled things very well, even better that me. (i have been acting like a pussy this whole trip wanting to whine, and pine about all kinds of thing). we walked around town for a while. found some of the real town not the shops that line the border, but it was really the mexicans homes so we left. in Az. we walked like 5 miles in the 100+ heat (though it only felt about 90+ because of the dryness) until we made it to the mall where we saw Hoot, a great movie about wittle ground owles.
Me and my dad are doing a good job of getting along. i am being depressed a lot, and he is being himself, but we are working hard to break out of our routienes and help eachother. it is very good for us. me and my dad have a hard time to get along much of the time.
Then we went home and made a little food and watch the season finally of Grey's Anatommy, a pretty damn good show. and i will go to bed soon. we are both hoping this trip will be over soon though because there really isnt anything to do around here. were thinking to go camping instead, of this planned 2 week trip. this might be cool. but no matter.