Picture this, if you will:
It started with the pain of having to rearrange midterms / tie up loose ends in a few class projects. I finished on Thursday at 3pm and was in the car by 4. At my parent's house by 8:00 to kiss the parents, shave my head, borrow tent and greet kim as she arrives with the rental car. A quick bite to eat, a quick shopping spree and I'm in bed (with my woman!) by midnight. Wake up at 4am, kiss Kim on the forehead, shower, and we're in the car by 4:45.
5am, Ashland. Pick up ian. Drive two blocks to pick up zac. Grab coffee and hit I-5.

As we all collectively woke up, the caffeine having a funny effect on some obviously sleep-deprived kids, we all started to converse. A long motherfucking time later, we arrive in Sacramento. I manage to cut someone off, get cut off and have a black man driving a big white truck yell "shut the fuck up" at me within 3 minutes. Back on the road, Ian breaks out his "The Apprentice edition of Mad Libs" -- no joke, such things exist. We do a few and laugh at the lamest product ever. I think Zac actually thought they were funny, which is quite troubling.

An even longer motherfucking time later, we arrive in Indio, which reminded me a lot of the 'not-so-shitty' Medford. I destroyed my in-and-out cherry. By this time, it's like 9pm. We go to the parking lot, and grab our stuff. We stand in the securing line for 30 minutes to have them do nothing pat our backpacks down and ask us if we have any glass.

We get in, quickly set up the tents and head back to the car with our backpacks for the booze.
We drink a fair amount and mull around the campgrounds, checking out the food, bathroom situation, all that jazz. A bit later, Kim and I crash on the account that we were the only two to drive and weâre both so completely road-fried. I think Ian and Zac got swerved and went to a drum circle, or some shit like that.

We wake up to see the sea of tents at 7:00am. Our tent is around 110 degrees due to the desert heat.

We all sit around until noon, feeling the sun get hot-hot-hot until noon, to where we enter the festival.