My days are so utterly packed that I don't even remember what the fuck "free time" is anymore. It's a good thing, however, because if I could recall my days of sitting in the sun, reading a non-school-related book, drinking an icey Diet Coke with my headphones on, I'd probably snap and freak out and try to break Zac's leg again.

It's a good thing.

Between school, my senior project, graduation prep, my job at the paper and my new job doing graphic design for the radio station, there's really very little 'Eric' time. Just so you know, "Eric time" mostly consists of stalking old highschool flames on myspace and secretly enjoying the fact that they've all somehow managed to devolve into whitetrash. tee-hee.

Coachella this week. It sure did sneak up on me. I'm glad I bought my ticket months ago, because, as it stands, I totally don't have the time to do it, but since I have a super-expensive ticket just chillin', I have to. I love painting myself into a corner. I'm so fucking predictable.

I'm actually looking forward to the drive the most. 17 hours with Ms. Kim, Zac-attac and Sledg. Should be a fun, smelly ride. You fuckholes had better shower -- if I have to have a nosefull of Zac's manly musk the whole way down there, I'm liable to break his leg. I'd be within my legal boundries, too. I checked up on it.

Things between Ms. Kim and I are fucking superb. Picking up where we left off, it's like we never stopped. I could go on for pages and pages, but I'll spare you the detail. Suffice it to say, I'm so fucking smitten.

More later, when I get a chance. I love you all.

Finding time.


Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm

Seven comments

'Diet Coke'?
Seriously man, you are a perv.
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
You have no idea. The surprises me and wisp have cooked up for you on the ride down will be glorious! Then when you think it cant get any worse, we have some aces up our sleeves for the actual festival too! BITCH!
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
so on the flight back from california last night there was a fish delay. as in, there was fish in the cargo hold that either spilled or went bad or something which resulted in a horrid smell which filled the entire cabin... then a smelly man was in the seat next to me, and suffice it to say, i really just wanted to vomit the entire flight to portland.

hopefully your trip down to coachella will be much less smelly, eric. that is my wish for you. enjoy!
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
I don't like Diet Coke, either. It tastes like ANTS. I'm glad you don't have time for that bullshit. But have fun, man. You sound happy so I'm glad for that as well.
sarah c.
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
im not.
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
tee-hee-hee if you only knew then what you know now i bet you wouldn't be looking forward to that car ride.
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm
Actually, that ride was a blast, except for the last leg, from Talent back to Corvallis alone -- that sucked. Big balls.
Monday 24 April 2006 at 11:46 pm


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