Right now, Primetime is doing a show on "Medical Mysteries" and I am absolutely DYING.  They just talked to a French lady who wants to cut her own legs off.  Badly.  She has to "be herself."  She has to "live her real life now."  That apparently involves packing her stems in dry ice until amputation becomes requisite.  WHAT.  And these other American guys already did just that!  And they all chat online together!  Now they're messing with a woman who has "Foreign Accent Syndrome."  Some woman in Michigan makes her son cry because she has to talk in the worst Russian voice ever.  It's deliciously, deliciously odd.  I keep giggling and squirming around. 

All this clowning makes me think that I'm not that weird.  So I'm a touch sad about that.  I guess I love my legs too much.  They're pale and white and unspectacular, but they look pretty cool in pants.  I would miss the way they wore my pants.  My feet as well.  They're actually a little beautiful.  Can't have your feet without your legs.

After the commercial: some girl gets killed by her own alarm clock!

wtf, John Quinones...


Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm

Seven comments

I was watching that also!
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
sorry i missed it...
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
I missed it too. Sounds amazing.
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
That's inspirational, actually. I feel that there is a fifty-year old man in side me everyday, dying to get out. I think I shall pull all of my hair out to become bald. Then and only then, will I truly be myself.
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
O.K. here's another idea, let's make these people soldiers! That way they can contribute to global affairs and lose their limbs - for FREE! And in the name of FREEDOM!
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
these things make you stronger you see. when i have a son i am going to deprive him of love so he learns to use his brain not heart, and then touch his butthole.
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm
just like abe lincoln!
Thursday 06 April 2006 at 10:41 pm


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