after my post the other day, i went to a park to read, but there are no quiet parks here and i realized that i really wanted to talk to someone. so i went to a bar....with FBI written on the door. some really drunk mexicans started talking to me, and then took me out to some bars. these were exactly the coolest of guys. i tried to hook them up with some american girls, which meant anyone who spoke english. but no go. i had a bit of nervious energy around them and at one bar the energy got really bad. i dont know why. i kind of thought one of them was hitting on me.... ha probably not. but i had to ditch them. i met some girs fom sweeden a a dude named for pedro he is from portugul and a fucking awesome dude. so they sat with us, and eventually at the next bar the mexicans left us. i didnt see but one of them just put his toung int he mouth of the swedish girl named elin. she didnt like it. and the next day i spent with these three new people watching football, and what not. and have been having a good time. today is The DIA de los Flores. there is much festivivty and floweres and other fun junk . and tons of people in the main plaza. pretty fun.
emily the second sweedis girl left and i may have lost pedro, though i hope not. me and elin are going to hang out in a little bit. i have to tell you that we kind of hooked up last night and today i am hoping to do the same tonight, but whatever. i am going to have fun tonight. maybe buy some flowers for some beautiful chicas. maybe do some dancing and definatly do some drinking.
i am suprised at how i can spend all of my time either drinking or doing nothing. i have seen no sights in this city except for pepila which i s a staue that overlookis the whole city. i can do with out the sights though.
oh yea and i just went into this bar, bars are for men only for the most part here, and clubs for men and wemen. so i went in and it was full of perros. the only words i heard for the first few minutes was cabron, verga and changa tu madre. they just yelled it back and forth to eachother. thern the bar tender went over the the only girl in the bar and started grabbing her tits and pinocha. i am guessing she was a forty year old prostitute. these were dirty motherfuckers but it was fun to watch. perros feliz. or dirty dogs.