Welp, i finally did it. i managed to get a dissorderly conduct ticket last night while heavily drinking. it was my friend ben's last night in town. we were wasted drinking corona at 3 in the morning when we thought it would be rad to break some bottles. so me aaron and ben each grab a sixer of empty bottles and head out to the railroad tracks. but we only made it as far as lincoln street (a block from the cop shop) where we unloaded and arsonal of broken glass. well at 3 in the morning in ashland there is absolutly nothing going on so the cops were on us faster than you can say beer bong. we got tickets, and the rest of the night was spent getting our stories strait while polishing off a bottle of baileys irish cream. i didn't get to sleep till 7 this morning....oh and i stole a dead guy glass from Omares. and tonight i am going to my roomates bachelor party...what a fucking weekend.
till next time.....