I am powerless without the internets. My motivation for doing anything internet related has dropped. It takes me about 15 minutes just to log into GMail. Life without highspeed access is fucking hard. I also don't get any cellphone service at my parent's house (see: out in the fucking boonies). That also sucks. Bad.

This Christmas was pretty perfect. The actual day was spent kicking around the house with my parents. It was pretty low key. I built them a rad new computer. I gave them a little mini-tutorial on iTunes and my mom is burning CDs like crazy. I think she spent like 4 or 5 hours importing music onto this beast.

I also got a really bitching 19" LCD monitor. Nearly orgasm worthy.

Sledg / een / bean / ian has come and gone yet again. I didn't spend as much time with him as I would have liked, but the time we did spend together was pretty superb.

This break has been pretty crazy -- Kim is back. I'm still a bit untrusting, but I just seem to lose control when it comes to that girl. On the plus side, she does seem a whole lot more stable than she's ever been. Oh well, you only live once, right?

Anyway, it has stopped raining for a moment -- time for me to get my afternoon run in. Holler!

I love you all.

Come and gone.


Wednesday 28 December 2005 at 12:29 pm

Two comments

I found your money
Wednesday 28 December 2005 at 12:29 pm
i missed you this break, eric. glad you enjoyed yourself, though.
Wednesday 28 December 2005 at 12:29 pm


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