This Christmas was pretty perfect. The actual day was spent kicking around the house with my parents. It was pretty low key. I built them a rad new computer. I gave them a little mini-tutorial on iTunes and my mom is burning CDs like crazy. I think she spent like 4 or 5 hours importing music onto this beast.
I also got a really bitching 19" LCD monitor. Nearly orgasm worthy.
Sledg / een / bean / ian has come and gone yet again. I didn't spend as much time with him as I would have liked, but the time we did spend together was pretty superb.
This break has been pretty crazy -- Kim is back. I'm still a bit untrusting, but I just seem to lose control when it comes to that girl. On the plus side, she does seem a whole lot more stable than she's ever been. Oh well, you only live once, right?
Anyway, it has stopped raining for a moment -- time for me to get my afternoon run in. Holler!
I love you all.