i love the rogue valley. seriously, i love everything about this place, including, but not limited to, the fact that you can't go out without running into people you know. or running into people that you only know through a random website used for self-disclosure, having never actually met them face to face, but recognizing them because of their picture in the staff section.

i'm sure een never heard this line before:

"this may sound weird, but are you ian?"
"um, yes, why?"
"hi, i'm curlingiron."

and the night went on from there. most definitely a surreal moment in the life of me, sitting and having a beer with whispy, een, eli, bearded jon, val, and ashley.... oh eric, why were you not there to complete the picture? apparently i just missed you... copious amounts of alcohol were consumed last night. i'm hurting today. but it was well worth it.

hopefully more good nights will follow.


eric, where were you???


Friday 23 December 2005 at 12:28 pm

Two comments

FUCK. Of course I miss it. I was at a holliday shindig with my family / family friends. How sad...
Friday 23 December 2005 at 12:28 pm
no eric,
all this happened right after you left o'ryans the other night and i was singing alice n chains with you
Friday 23 December 2005 at 12:28 pm


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