The past week or so have been pretty good. I started working again for the first time for 3 months. its pretty nice making money again and being able to pay for shit. I also moved into a new place this week. im out of my parents house! even though it really isn't all that bad having free rent and a home cooked meal everynight, but its also nice haveing my own space. earlier this week i bought Gran Tourismo 4. This is an amazing game. amazing grafix, super realistic, and an amazing amount of cars to buy. i highly reccomend this game, i am already addicted.  

Tonight a bunch of my family came over for a X-mas dinner, everybody's drinkin and having a good time and talking about things you never want to hear come out your parents or relatives mouth. so im here posting. my dad lit off a few fireworks and now everybody is feverishly looking for a lost scared ass dog. these weren't normal fireworks, these are minature fireworks you see on 4th of july, ones that shoot out of a 2 in. diameter tube and sound like a shotgun going off. pretty rad. anyways now its time for desert so im out.

im addicted


Wednesday 21 December 2005 at 8:05 pm

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