left there to go to the doug fir with my roommates. that was good times, although we were all pretty much pooped from long weeks, so we didn't stay out much later.
yesterday brought that damn snow storm, which messed up our plans to go to the ballet last night. i'm a little bitter about that, but i suppose i'll live. then my roommate's co-workers came over for their christmas party, and we all drank our little hearts out. a lovely sunday, to say the least, although disappointing that both 'desperate housewives' and 'grey's anatomy' were reruns. damnit.
and then TODAY.... oh lordie, today i got a letter in the mail. from my freshman year roommate. the one who is in prison now. YES. that one. she sounds good, the letter seemed pretty upbeat and positive. my friend caine and i are going to go visit her sometime in january, which should be interesting. we shall see how that goes.
for now, finish packing because i head home tomorrow (weather permitting) and then death cab concert tonight. rockin' good times, for sure.