remember back in the day when when your mom asked you "what do you want for christmas?" you responded with something that you wanted. a toy, a movie, a video game, whatever, you told your mom what it was that you wanted for christmas. now, when mom asks what you want for christmas, it's what you need for christmas. as much as i wanted to say "mom, i'd really like a new phone for christsmas" i had to say "mom, i really need you to help me with next month's car payment for christmas." damnit.

grades got posted. i managed to pull a c in the class i really thought i was going to fail (honestly, i had visions of an F dancing on my transcript), a pass, a b and an a-. there was that damn incomplete i had to take in my thesis class (apparently if you change your thesis topic four times and never actually produce those first three chapters, they don't consider that completing the class), but by the end of january i hope to have an actual grade there. preferably an a. we shall see. but, in spite of all that, i still managed to keep my gpa above a 3.0. just barely above, but above, nonetheless.

go me.

party tomorrow night, along with drinks at the doug fir, then the ballet on sunday, death cab concert monday, home tuesday. and booze. lots and lots of booze.


oh for the love...


Friday 16 December 2005 at 10:33 pm

Two comments

lets booze it up together. I like real shitty booze. and i get real shitty grades.
Friday 16 December 2005 at 10:33 pm
oh, there will be mass quantities of booze consumed when i get home. hopefully there will be others consuming that booze with me, otherwise i'd just be really sad and pathetic.
Friday 16 December 2005 at 10:33 pm


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