fuck me. i am so so stupid, really, i am. for all but one of my classes i was supposed to keep journals over the semester. reading journals, mentoring journals, whatever. once a week, once per assignment, however the breakdown works, i was supposed to do it over the course of the whole semester. then at the end of the semester when it's time to turn them all in, i just have to staple everything together, make sure my name is on it, and call it good.

had i actually done this, my next two weeks would be very easy.

since i suck at life, i now have all the reading journals for my spanish lit class to do by thursday, all the reflective journals for my spanish mentoring class (and cover letter) to do by thursday, all my first year seminar mentor journals due on friday, and all the journals for my colonial and neo-colonial latin american studies class to do by friday. and i also have to come up with my thesis topic, statement of problem, annotated bibliography and literary review by friday.

putting this shit off always seems like such a good idea at the time, but come the last week of the semester i'm really regretting it. you'd think three years would have taught me a thing or two, but...

the newspaper man just dropped off tuesday's paper. why am i awake when my paper is being dropped off? i know i'll live through the end of finals, and i know i'll get everything done, because i have to, but the next two weeks have potential to be very very long.


damn procrastination


Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am

Five comments

dont fret, im doing the same thing
Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am
thanks een, glad to know i'm not the only idiot who puts this shit off.
Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am
word, how much more can you pack into two weeks?
Let's here it for being stressed and poor, hollaaaah.
Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am
umm, sorry, I mean 'hear',
I'm really tired.
Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am
spelling errors happen when you are completely drained of energy due to the end of the semester... we understand.
Tuesday 29 November 2005 at 02:26 am


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